I'm also having trouble but only on lists run by free lists. and yahoo. it
groups by name only but on mail mail lists like this one and all other gropus
even the ones I run on google it is grouping fine and sorting by subject. I
really don't know if it is a server side thing or an apple mail th
Amy - I don't use VO J, never seems to put me where I hoe to be, so use VO
right and left arrow to move between message list, and message table. But yes,
I do use the arrow keys to collapse the conversation before deleteing it, and
like I said, it works ok when I've sent all the messages to myse
Further to the below - I have sent several messages to myself trying to see
what is going on with the group by conversation, and it works ok for me every
time, so not sure why when I receive messages from the email group, some get
grouped, and some appear later down the list. Also, when sending
not sure if anyone has answered your question or not.
but when you expand and your done going from person to person and you have hit
your voice over and letter j to be back where it says something about message
then you hit your left arrow to collapse b the thread you were reading .
On Jul
Hi all -
I have group by conversation checked in the view menu of mail. When I go down
my list of messages, I hear "collapsed triangle" or whatever the correct
wording is, and I can, of corse, right arrow to expand the conversation to see
all the messages in the thread. However, if this is a to