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From: Gordon & Lynne <>
Subject: Important; Major List Re-configuration on the way; please read!
Date: 6 October 2011 21:41:38 GMT+01:00
To: Mac OSX & iOS Accessibility <>

Hello everybody

Gordon has just cracked the final problem with our new Mac-Access primary 
server hardware; so we are shortly going to start to migrate all of our email 
services away from the servers and over to the servers instead. This will bring us several advantages; not 
the least of which is a more stable and robust database using a new version of 
Postfix, a new version of MailMan and a new version of several other vital 
components which we use. It will also allow us to re-allocate other services 
and improve the website department of the servers to once again incorporate 
live updates for those for whom we host websites.

Rest assured that we will not make the change until we are convinced that the 
service is running robustly and reliably. But what we would like to know from 
you all please is whether any of you are using special configuration options; 
such as digest mode.

If you're not, and you're just using the standard list membership options such 
as receiving single messages in regular format and no other custom options are 
configured on your account, you need do nothing. We will port your membership 
directly over to the new server when the time comes; so that the transition is 
smooth and seamless.

When that happens, you will be able to write to the list and to the request 
address exactly as you do now. However, the list website, archive page and 
subscriber options pages will change. For instance; instead of landing on:
, you will find the server pages at:
which will be the new home of our mail services.

If you're also a member of sibling lists run by us, they too will change. We 
will contact our direct clients with more detailed information shortly 
regarding their own personalised changes. But again, be very sure that we won't 
make the current services obsolete until absolutely everything is ticketyy-boo 
on the new servers.

As always if you have question or want further information feel free to write 
to us at the support address. Requests for information on list will be ignored.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

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