
You are correct, but despite numerous reminder we can't get people to cooperate 
all the time.

We are trying, I assure you, but we have lives to live and a lot going on just 
now. But yet; it would be hugely helpful if people observe this request.


On 2 Aug 2011, at 21:43, Linda Mumford wrote:

Hello everyone,

Will someone please clarify this for me? I thought their was a list rule that 
the subject heading had to identify what the email message was about- not only  
for archiving purposes  but also  so that the list members could determine if 
the message might be of interest to them without having to open up the email to 
see what it was about. Yet, in the space of only a few days, I am finding 
subject headings that leave me clueless about the contents of the email.: 
Specifically, the following subject headings confuse me:
Today: Well; that didn't take much breaking!
On July 30: Humble Pie
On July 29: Okay, it's official! Lynn is and idiot!

So,have the list rules changed? 

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Gordon & Lynne Smith, <>

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