You have my blessing to remove me from this list. As a retired veterinarian, 
emeritus professor, deaf-blind individual, rower, cross-county skier, and guide 
dog owner, I have in the past, and continue  do do so today, belonged to 
numerous lists. And and I have never encountered such rude list owners in my 
life. Obviously, you don't like your hypocritical boat . being rocked, because 
it was YOU Lynn. YES, YOU Lynn who posted those nonsense subject  headings!  
Finally, before you terminate me forever from this list,  I would like to point 
out that one of your  list controllers (James Austin) answered this query of 
mine on-list and posted the same question to you and Gordon!
Linda Mumford

On Aug 3, 2011, at 6:59 AM, Gordon & Lynne Smith wrote:

> Hello Linda
> I am taking the liberty of replying off list, and also carbon copying this to 
> our two assistant list controllers so that they know precisely what I have 
> said to you, in the event of any query or dispute.
> It has come to our notice Linda, that you have recently made a couple of list 
> administration related comments on list. Whilst Gordon and I welcome your 
> feedback, since you have repeatedly made reference to list rules, as you call 
> them, (list policy, as we prefer to phrase it), not that it really matters, I 
> would point out to you that it is also stipulated in list policy that, should 
> you have any questions or comments regarding list policy, you should not post 
> them to the list; but contact either the support address, 
> <>, whence this message is being sent, or either of our 
> two very able and capable list controllers:
> Anne Robertson, <>, or:
> James Austin, <>
> and one of us will be delighted to address your questions directly. If you 
> opt to contact the assistant list controllers and they don't feel it 
> appropriate for them to do so, they will forward your request to us directly 
> and we will address it.
> In this particular instance, I also wanted to explain to you the situation so 
> that you understand where we're going. Gordon and I run this list, along with 
> all other mac Access Dot Net resources. Therefore, our decisions related to 
> the list are final. If people don't like the way we run it, they're at 
> perfect liberty to leave the group. That said, we always try to listen and to 
> engage in constructive dialogue with our members wherever possible. We have, 
> unfortunately, had a couple of situations arise recently where we have had to 
> remove people from the group because of unacceptable behaviour and or 
> attitudes. I sincerely hope that won't happen again; as it's something that 
> gives us no satisfaction whatsoever.
> We will not, however, permit * anybody * to turn Mac Access into a flame war. 
> If * anybody * tries to do so, they will be moderated as a first resort and, 
> if they still do not comply, they will be removed.
> I am not suggesting that in any way you have done anything wrong. I'm simply 
> making the situation clear so that everybody concerned has a full 
> understanding of the position. Gordon and I run these groups as a "hubby", 
> alongside our professional and, just at the moment, very stressful personal 
> commitments. Therefore, we are not always able to devote as much time to the 
> group as we would like. Sometimes, it is inevitable that things get missed; 
> although we do try to monitor list traffic as closely as possible.
> As recent events have shown, we're not perfect Linda; we do make mistakes and 
> in those events we're more than willing to hold up our hand and admit to 
> having done so and, where appropriate, apologise.
> In recent times, as you would see if you were to take the time and trouble to 
> check out the archives of the list over recent weeks and months, I have made 
> numerous requests on list for people to observe subject lines. However, 
> Linda, we are simply not able to "force" people to comply all the time; and 
> it's true to say also that I and, possibly, yourself have missed the 
> opportunity to make changes as traffic on list has increased significantly as 
> the number of members grows.
> So Linda, in summary, I would ask you please to refrain from sending 
> administrative requests to the group, although I want to make it clear to you 
> that I fully understand that your motives were in no way malicious. I 
> understand your frustration and, in actual fact, I share it. But this is a 
> matter which members need to discuss with the administrators, as doing so on 
> list contravenes list policy in itself, and, I would also point out that we 
> can act more quickly if you bring it to our attention off list as messages to 
> the support address are always prioritised. If you have queries or comments 
> regarding the way the list is administered or the behaviour of members, 
> please bring the issue to the attention of one of the above mentioned people 
> and we will be happy to investigate and take the appropriate action.
> Once again, I have taken the liberty of making the assistant list controllers 
> aware of the contents of my message to you. So feel free to do as you will 
> from this point. We will consider the issue closed unless you wish to comment 
> further. But be assured Linda that we are doing everything in our power to 
> make things as simple as possible for our members. But it isn't possible to 
> catch everything that hits the group unless we place members into moderator 
> mode which is something we would do only as a last resort.
> I hope I have addressed your issue satisfactorily; but please feel free to 
> contact one of us if you feel that you require further clarification or 
> information. However, be aware that when it comes to it, although we are 
> always more than willing to listen to constructive criticisms or suggestions, 
> Gordon and I finance and run this group; and, therefore, our decisions which 
> we believe to be in the best interests of the group as a whole, are final and 
> binding. We now have over 200 members in this group and it simply isn't 
> possible for us to monitor everything all the time.
> Lynne

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