Hello everybody

This is only a gentle reminder. Whilst we have not, in recent times, posted our 
personal welcome messages to Mac Access when new members join and reveal their 
names, we would request that people please not follow up on initial 
introduction messages on list by new members. We discontinued the policy of 
sending personal welcome messages, against our preference, when we began 
receiving private complaints from members regarding them. We will review that 
policy again if list members think it a good idea). However, in the light of 
the complaints which we received earlier this year, may I ask that should you 
wish to personally welcome a new member to the group, you please do so 

This is not intended as a rebuke, a snug, and definitely not as an attempt to 
"dictate", of which we have been accused by mostly now former members in the 
past. We are merely attempting to minimise the amount of off-topic messages in 
this forum which members have to wade through as traffic on the list is now far 
higher than it used to be. Again, if members believe that we, as the owners and 
administrators of Mac Access, should resume our former policy of issuing a 
personal welcome message when a new member joins the group, then do by all 
means drop us a line privately. The address to contact is
and we welcome your input, as always, on this or any other group-related 
policy. This group exists for the sole purpose of helping the community of Mac 
OS, iOS and accessibility tools users and we always welcome your constructive 
input regarding list policy as long as it is sent to us privately. Tracy, 
Gordon and I would like to make it clear that we are, and always will be, 
approachable to group members and that we do listen to your views. We may not 
always be able to implement them but, if you have any suggestions regarding 
group policy, please write to us at the above address and explain why you think 
your suggestion would be to the benefit of the group as a whole.

Please understand that the reason we discourage public "Getting To Know You" 
type messages is that we try to maintain the list archives as well as the list 
itself with topical discussion being the only form of traffic. This is in no 
way personal as I said earlier, and I sincerely hope nobody will take it as 
such. It is merely a gentle reminder for the good of the group. As one of the 
characters in a favourite movie of Gordon's once said: "The needs of the many 
outweigh the needs of the few; or the one!". Thank you kindly for your 
cooperation and understanding.



Gordon, Lynne And Tracy;

Telephone Support:

If you need our help and we cannot resolve your issue via the E-Mail mechanism, 
you can arrange to call us directly – or we may be able to call you if you 

United Kingdom:  Free Phone:
0800 8620538

Europe and other non-specified:
+44 1642 688095

United States Of America And Canada:
+1 646 9151493

+61 38 8205930
+61 39 0284505

+44 1642 365123

Please Note: All Support Requests By Phone Will Be Handled By Gordon.

Follow Us On Twitter:

Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network,  is a totally 
non-profit organisation whose aims are to assist and support sensory-impaired 
people who wish to get the very best out of their Apple products and services.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

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