Is it possible for me to remove my account and make sure the mail app doesn't 
remember any of the settings that I have put in the system in the past?  I'm 
having trouble connecting to my at&t mail and if I just use the "remove 
account" questions and then go back and put my information in again, most of 
the settings that I've used before aren't working.  I think I have the correct 
imap settings now and would like to start this over as if I just got the mac.  
Or, is it possible for me to sync my mail from my ipad to my mac and just use 
the settings that I know are correct on my ipad?  Finally, I was reading some 
of the bugs of mountain lion on wednesday when it just came out and I read 
there was a small mail bug.  Was wondering if this has been fixed yet.

Now, I have another question, but it is on another subject regarding the mac, 
so will create a new message for that.  thanks for any help.
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