
You are running a MacBook Pro, right? What version of DW are you using on it?

On 7/22/11 10:43 AM, Nora Probasco wrote:

It actually didn't confuse DW as it put a screen asking which drive I wanted to rebuild the directory for. I was impressed at how well it worked. I also used it to fix permissions. By the way, do I need to fix permissions on the other disks, especially since the Super Duper disk is copying the whole drive with system? Someone on this list recommended DiskWarrior and I am so glad I purchased it. I now highly recommend it also.

Years ago when I was using Norton Systemworks (yuk!), there were functions for optimizing the speed on your disk and realigning your hard drive memory. Do we no longer need to do that?


On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 3:29 PM, John Robinson < <>> wrote:


    So glad this helped but you won't need to do it each month.  I
    doubt you have ever done it and just now your machine was getting
    problematic.   You will begin to notice the applications taking a
    long time to load and quit, you'll see more spinning balls and who
    knows maybe 6 months down the road you will need to do it again,
    maybe longer.

    Remember, on the external drives to unmount and turn them off (if
    not on the boot with DiskWarrior they will once again appear and
    confuse DW).  Once DiskWarrior is running then turn on all your
    drives and they will be available in the selection window for the
    drive to rebuild.


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