Please let  me know if this is crazy!

I am continually developing a site in Lasso and on their mailing list
someone talked about how they had dispensed with the database backend
altogether by using Lasso to read text files.

This idea intrigues me.

The reason I was thinking about dispensing with the DB backend is because I
have a very cranky database which is holding information that does not need
to be "dynamic." I have a couple thousand product thumbnails (and this
number increases by about 2000 every month) and all of their sizes are
sitting in an FMP database. Then there are a hundred fifty thousand product
descriptions, all sitting in the same FMP database, but they are rarely
changed, so I could just update one "record" as needed rather than keeping
the whole thing dynamic just to take care of those few times.

This database crashes a lot.

Now, the folks on the Lasso list claim that this kind of file-based DB thing
is done all the time in Perl, and now that we have Perl on OS X, I wonder if
I should try to develop this part of it in Perl rather than learn MySQL,
which seems a lot harder, and I'm not running NASA over here.

So please let me know if there are any good sites or resources about this,
or if I'd better just go with MySQL or maybe something else entirely.

(Oh yeah, I only know a tiny bit of Perl but I don't know any MySQL)


Danny Arsenault
R & R Enterprises

toll free phone...800 937-3880
toll free fax........888 790-2437

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