GD** (catching error)

2004-05-06 Thread xweb
Hi! How can catch an "JPEG library reports unrecoverable error: Not a JPEG file..."My script die and instead, i would continue.Pratically i need of a "check" but i am not able to check this type of error! Can someone help me? Thanks

Panther problem with DBI module

2003-11-26 Thread xweb
I have read the thread about the perl patch ld='MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 cc' with ld='env MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 cc' I have done this but DBI module isn' t installed , return error is -undefined dynamic_lookup during make session. The c compiler is very very slow!!! Someone can help me

Re: ***regular expression***

2003-11-17 Thread xweb
Thanks all but... I don't explain well the problem! So, i'm processing a very big text file ( from A DB ) in this format number|field 1|field2| field 3| etc. Every line is a record.Every line contains many url. I'm interested about specific url and i don't consider the others. while ( $line =~ s/h

***regular expression***

2003-11-15 Thread xweb
Can someone help me about a regular ? In which way i can substitute string with $val1. Thanks Paolo

problem installing DBI and gcc

2003-09-01 Thread xweb
Hi, i tried to install cpan module (dbi) but the gcc compiler makes an strange error "/Local/Library/Frameworks: Not a directory". I have tried to compile a very simple c source but it' s the same error! can someone help me? Mario-italy- Sorry for my english! Thanks in advance ##I have installed de