Just so you know, we are all mostly folks who have already successfully 
compiled TCL/TK 8.x for OS X/Darwin, and also compiled Python 2.1 for 
Darwin, and have gotten TK to work for python. What seems impossible so 
far is to get perl on Darwin to run TK windows.

I, for example, had no snags compiling TCL/TK or Python. I didn't get 
thread and sound support to run the music in Pysol, actually, but other 
than that python is as I am used to and TK applications like hanoi, 
pysol(itaire) and IDLE (the Integrated Development GUI) run just fine on 
OS X with either XTools or XFree86/XDarwin.

What I want to see is perl do TK windowing on OS X.

Also, has anyone tried doing CGI things like a graphic hit counter on OS 
X? Does the fact that it's outputting MIME stuff to a browser make it 
work better?


David Pennell
The Register-Guard

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