So this turned out to be a very subtle difference between "Home Sharing"
and "Music Sharing" in iTunes (I wasn't even aware there were two different
ways to share!), combined with some incredibly bad UI in the prefs. How
subtle is the difference? How bad is the UI? I only got this solved by
filing a ticket with Apple and escalating it to a senior support rep.
Together we puzzled over it for weeks, going through multiple phone calls,
screen captures, trial and error, studying logs, and her exchanges with
iTunes engineers.

The difference is outlined here:

Basically, Home Sharing shares music between computers  but also lets you
transfer files between those computers, while Music Sharing only lets other
computers access music for playback, without the ability to transfer files.

With Music Sharing, play counts on the host computer are not updated when
those tracks are played on clients. With Home Sharing, they do.

But here's the kicker: The iTunes "Sharing" preferences do not make any
mention of  these two different techniques. When you go into sharing prefs
and select "Share my library on the local network," you have enabled Music
Sharing, not Home Sharing. Even if the box "Sharing updates play counts" is
checked, they won't be.

The only way to get play counts to be updated when clients play tracks is
to turn OFF "Share my library". Then pull down File | Sharing | Enable Home


Oh and p.s. When you use this technique, you solve one problem but create
another - you lose the ability to only share certain playlists; you now
must share your entire library, which can make it really slow to load the
library on the client if the index is very large.


On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 10:53 AM, Scot Hacker <> wrote:

> ​With
> iTunes 10 and 11, a common
> ​problem
>  was
> ​ that iTunes play counts would not be updated when tracks were played via
> Home Sharing, even if the "Home Sharing updates play counts" checkbox was
> checked in prefs.
> But since iTunes 12, I can't find
> ​any mention of people still
> having that problem.
> ​ It's as if it's finally been properly fixed.​
> Which is weird, because I  fixed it under iTunes 11 but the problem
> returned with iTunes 12. I've checked and unchecked that box,
> ​ deleted my* plist files,​
> quit and restarted iTunes 'till I'm blue in the face, but songs played via
> home sharing just won't update play counts.
> ​Anyone else? Any suggestions?
> Thanks.
> ​

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