Following up... 

I received my MDP <--> VGA cable, hooked it up, and it works perfectly! Even 
though the monitor is still recognized as "LG TV" in my Mac's "Displays" Sys 
Prefs, it now needs no overscan adjustment or other tweaking. The monitor's 
native resolution is 1080p, so everything looks just great at 1920x1080. (I 
don't know what the HDMI connection was doing to the signal, but it was nowhere 
near as clear and sharp.) 

But... there's still no Night Shift options. Argh!


> On Jun 29, 2020, at 8:11 AM, Carl Hoefs <> 
> wrote:
> Actually, that might be the problem. The presence of the "Underscan" 
> adjustment seems to indicate that the Mac somehow detects the LG to be a TV 
> not a monitor per se, so as a result I'm not getting very good definition 
> onscreen. 
> There is a VGA port on the monitor that I' could use (instead of the HDMI). 
> But I'd have to buy a mini DisplayPort to VGA dongle from Apple for $30...
> -Carl
>> On Jun 28, 2020, at 9:46 PM, Macs R We < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Hm. my LG shows no underscan control. Yours must be special. ;-)
>>> On Jun 26, 2020, at 11:24 AM, Carl Hoefs < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Just as a followup, I hooked up a Viewsonic VX2433 monitor along with the 
>>> LG 42". The Night Shift options appear for the Viewsonic but not for the 
>>> LG. Weird.
>>> Additionally, SysPrefs provides the LG with a "Underscan" adjustment, while 
>>> the Viewsonic gets none.
>>> How does one "prioritize" the screens, i.e., change the one with the 
>>> notifications and dock on it? Rearranging them in SysPrefs doesn't seem to 
>>> alter that.
>>> -Carl
>>>> On Jun 24, 2020, at 9:29 PM, Carl Hoefs < 
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>> Thanks for the suggestion to look for "manual" buttons. I didn't know 
>>>> there were any! I found a manual "options" button which enabled a config 
>>>> menu, and allowed me to adjust the display to be more neutral. 
>>>> Unfortunately, the options to control individual R-G-B color balance are 
>>>> dimmed out, but overall it looks much better than it did before!
>>>> -Carl
>>>>> On Jun 24, 2020, at 9:18 PM, Macs R We < 
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> My LG 32 has a reasonable set of color balancing options in the display's 
>>>>> own menu (manual buttons). Perhaps yours does as well.
>>>>>> On Jun 24, 2020, at 9:07 PM, Carl Hoefs < 
>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>> Actually that was my ultimate question... I'm trying to alter the color 
>>>>>> balance of my LG 42" (which is overly blue) and any attempt to do so 
>>>>>> turns it a hideous orange. I resorted to using f.lux since I don't have 
>>>>>> the Night Shift options, but the net effect is awful. I thought somehow 
>>>>>> Night Shift might do a better job at it, but apparently not!
>>>>>> -Carl
>>>>>>> On Jun 24, 2020, at 8:57 PM, Macs R We < 
>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Yes, sorry… I never use either, and I mixed up the terms.
>>>>>>> Curiously, when I typed “night” in System Preferences (Mac Mini, 
>>>>>>> current Mojave), it did NOT highlight Display — only Keyboard (for 
>>>>>>> Illuminate) and Parental Controls (for Time Limits). However, my 
>>>>>>> Displays does indeed have a Night Shift tab, which “works” on my LG 32” 
>>>>>>> (it turns the display a hideous orange).
>>>>>>>> On Jun 24, 2020, at 7:30 PM, Andy Lee < 
>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> [This is a resend.  I messed up both the "From" *and* the "To" the 
>>>>>>>> first time I sent this. :/]
>>>>>>>> Are you thinking of Dark Mode?
>>>>>>>> I searched System Preferences for "night" and selected "Night Shift 
>>>>>>>> options".  This took me to the Display prefs, which included a "Night 
>>>>>>>> Shift" tab.  It sounds like that tab is not showing up for Carl.
>>>>>>>> <PastedGraphic-3.png>
>>>>>>>> <PastedGraphic-2.png>
>>>>>>>> --Andy
>>>>>>>>> On Jun 24, 2020, at 9:37 PM, Macs R We < 
>>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Night Shift isn’t a Display thing, it’s an OS thing. It’s the top 
>>>>>>>>> item in the General Sys Pref.
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