On Feb 15, 2013, at 15:03, s...@macports.org wrote:

> Revision: 103123
>          https://trac.macports.org/changeset/103123
> Author:   s...@macports.org
> Date:     2013-02-15 13:03:24 -0800 (Fri, 15 Feb 2013)
> Log Message:
> -----------
> offlineimap: update repo url to official account
> Modified Paths:
> --------------
>    trunk/dports/mail/offlineimap/Portfile
> Modified: trunk/dports/mail/offlineimap/Portfile
> ===================================================================
> --- trunk/dports/mail/offlineimap/Portfile    2013-02-15 21:03:15 UTC (rev 
> 103122)
> +++ trunk/dports/mail/offlineimap/Portfile    2013-02-15 21:03:24 UTC (rev 
> 103123)
> @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
> PortGroup           github 1.0
> PortGroup           python 1.0
> -github.setup        spaetz offlineimap 6.5.4 v
> +github.setup        OfflineIMAP offlineimap 6.5.4 v
> categories          mail python
> platforms           darwin
> license             GPL-2+
> @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
> conflicts           offlineimap-devel
> subport offlineimap-devel {
> -    github.setup        spaetz offlineimap a73b4b34652e
> +    github.setup        OfflineIMAP offlineimap a73b4b34652e
>     name                offlineimap-devel
>     version   

Now the checksums don't match:

$ sudo port checksum offlineimap-devel
--->  Fetching distfiles for offlineimap-devel
--->  Attempting to fetch offlineimap-a73b4b34652e.tar.gz from 
--->  Verifying checksum(s) for offlineimap-devel
Error: Checksum (rmd160) mismatch for offlineimap-a73b4b34652e.tar.gz
Error: Checksum (sha256) mismatch for offlineimap-a73b4b34652e.tar.gz
Error: org.macports.checksum for port offlineimap-devel returned: Unable to 
verify file checksums
Please see the log file for port offlineimap-devel for details:
To report a bug, follow the instructions in the guide:
Error: Processing of port offlineimap-devel failed

This was basically a stealth update and should have been saved for an occasion 
when the version would be increased anyway, or should have been handled as per 
the recipe:


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