At 2:08 PM +0000 10/9/14, MacPorts wrote:
#45311: Error: for port ttf2pt1 returned: command execution
  Reporter:  asnedden@Š  |      Owner:  macports-tickets@Š
      Type:  defect      |     Status:  new
  Priority:  Normal      |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports       |    Version:  2.3.1
Resolution:              |   Keywords:  tt2pt1
      Port:  tt2pt1      |

Comment (by asnedden@Š):

 I guess this may be useless since there isn't a maintainer...

Ticket URL: <>

Plus upstream hasn't had a release since 2003!!

However, if there is any hope of addressing this, we'll need a clean build log. Enter:

sudo port clean ttf2pt1 && sudo port install ttf2pt1

If it fails again, the last few lines of output will tell you the location of the build log.

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