
I'd like to draw some attention to a prototype implementation of a PortGroup I 
wrote for creating "dev" ports, akin to Debian/Ubuntu's "-dev" packages:

I've been using this for a while now and find it particularly useful for 
avoiding build conflicts. That kind of conflict usually arises when the 
presence of certain files from a port A interferes with building port B. Most 
often that concerns headerfiles but "linker interface" libraries can also be at 
cause, or even pkgconfig/cmake files. Those are all files that are only 
required when using port "A" as a dependency for *building* other software but 
not as a dependency for running that dependent software.

I think that it should even be possible to use this kind of approach for ports 
that cannot be built when an older version is already installed; such ports 
could probably declare a build conflict with their own -dev port (possibly even 
deactivate it in an appropriate stage).

The current implementation moves selected files into a "fake" port image in an 
appropriate location during the main port's post-destroot; unpacks that tarball 
during the -dev port's destroot and zeroes the "fake" port image during the 
pre-activate because it is now unnecessary. Rather than being emptied that 
tarball could be replaced with a symlink to the actual software image (but how 
to get its name?). Or it could be completely removed if rev-upgrade can be told 
not to complain about certain missing files.

A more elegant version would install that dev port in deactivated fashion when 
the main port is installed. The basic implementation shouldn't be too difficult 
(move the selected files into a second DESTDIR, e.g. ${destroot_dev}, use that 
as the root for installing but not activating ${subport}-dev) but it might be 
tricky to get right with upgrades etc.
My current simpler implementation via a PortGroup has the advantage that it can 
help assess how much use this kind of feature would see, and thus how much 
effort should be put into it.


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