Thank you for the helpful answers.

Is there a way to achieve the second objective: prevent MacPorts from building 
and caching its own copy of the port contents, which for this port will 
inevitably be filled with expired certificates?

Right now, avoiding this issue requires installing the port from “source” with 
`port -s install`.

> On May 19, 2022, at 11:02 PM, Daniel J. Luke <> wrote:
> On May 17, 2022, at 4:31 PM, Steven Smith <> wrote:
>>> Whenever the curl-ca-bundle port is updated to a new version, the 
>>> privoxy-pki-bundle port's revision should be increased so that it rebuilds 
>>> with the new bundle.
>> Thank you.
>> This is the part that I was hoping is automatic, without updating a 
>> revision: the depends_lib would see that the “library” that the port depends 
>> upon has been updated, and rebuilds itself because of the updated library 
>> dependency. All without modification of the Portfile.
>> I infer from your response that this isn’t how depends_lib works.
> Nope, there's no way (currently) to have a port declare that it needs to be 
> rebuilt if a dependency is updated (it would be a really nice feature to add 
> to base, though).
> --
> Daniel J. Luke

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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