Hi, there
I like to learn macport packaging method by packaging a software I need to use.
The software is Xymon client. I had packaged this software for other
OS(HP-UX,Soalris, RH Linux)
using local package manager systems(swdepot,pkgadd and rpm).

It will  install the binary,man pages and create a local account to
for Xymon client to run as.
Upon package removal, above install actions will be undone.

I plan to create macport package(not the OS X .pkg) to achieve the
same  on Snow Lepard.

And S.L. is where the problem come in, xymon client failed on
compilation stage on S.L.
See R1 and R2.

According to R2, it is still opened without resolution.

I am wondering if there is solution out there  to get rid of this
compiler error ?


R1: http://www.hswn.dk/hobbiton/2009/11/msg00311.html
R2: http://trac.macports.org/ticket/23200
T.J. Yang
macports-users mailing list

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