On Tuesday October 07 2014 21:43:38 Marko Käning wrote:

> > And you're right that the Aqua theme doesn't look good; even if there are 
> > no layout errors it takes much too much space for everything. (Which in 
> > itself might confirm my suspicion that it will work only with the default 
> > font setting…)
> Yep, it should not be the default setting of a MacPorts/KDE installation 
> anymore.
> QtCurve does a fine job and thus should become our default theme.
> We just need some magic in post-destroot of kdelibs4-runtime, I guess.
> And thus we need to make every real KDE application depend on 
> kdelibs4-runtime or even better kde4-workspace and not only kdelibs4 anymore, 
> to be sure that the port allows and instructs the user to use kcmshell or the 
> systemsettings app to get the correct preset for QtCurve.

I'm not sure I agree with the idea of changing the default theme other than 
when installing kdelibs4 for the 1st time. We could make kde4-runtime or 
kde4-workspace depend on QtCurve so that the theme gets installed, but I think 
that the rest can safely be left up to the user.

It's true that even with the KDE fonts configured as closely as possible to 
what OS X uses (Lucida Grande 13, 11 and 10 pt), the Aqua theme still leads to 
bad layout.

Marko, have you yet been able to see to what extent that is still true under 

BTW, just saw there's also this: https://code.google.com/p/fusion-qt4/ ;)


NB: I just notice kdepim4 depends on qt4-mac and phonon only, not even on 
macports-users mailing list

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