On Jun 5, 2008, at 00:10, Brian Flaherty wrote:

> On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 10:18:30PM -0500, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> On May 17, 2008, at 14:27, Brian P. Flaherty wrote:
>>> On Wed, 14 May 2008, Chris Pickel wrote:
>>>> If you're concerned about your MacPorts installation, the best  
>>>> thing to
>>>> do
>>>> would be to remove the configure args you added, then `sudo port -f
>>>> configure
>>>> libgcrypt`, and find config.log in `sudo port dir libgcrypt`/ 
>>>> work. That
>>>> might
>>>> have some info.
>>> Thank you for the suggestion.  I just had a similar problem with  
>>> mc being
>>> unable to find pkg-config.  I ran sudo port -f configure as  
>>> suggested
>>> above and it shows this as the path:
>>> PATH: ${prefix}/bin
>>> PATH: ${prefix}/sbin
>>> PATH: /bin
>>> PATH: /sbin
>>> PATH: /usr/bin
>>> PATH: /usr/sbin
>>> PATH: /usr/X11R6/bin
>>> PATH: /usr/texbin
>> I didn't quite understand... what command causes these paths to be  
>> printed
>> out like this?
> I'm sorry for the ambiguity.  The list of PATHs above is from
> config.log, as Chris Pickel suggested I look at.
> The problem is in my MacPorts installation on my laptop.  I had a
> similar problem occur today when I tried to install wyrd via port on
> my laptop.  Note, that it installed fine on my Mac Pro.
> Wyrd depends on ocaml, which was installed via port.
> camus:wyrd-1.4.4 bxf4$ which ocamlc
> /opt/local/bin/ocamlc
> But, when I try to install wyrd via port, configure cannot find
> ocamlc.
> camus:wyrd-1.4.4 bxf4$ sudo port install wyrd--->  Configuring wyrd
> Error: Target org.macports.configure returned: configure failure:  
> shell command " cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/ 
> _opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_textp 
> roc_wyrd/work/wyrd-1.4.4" && ./configure --prefix=/opt/local -- 
> mandir=/opt/local/share/man " returned error 1
> Command output: checking for ocamlc... no
> configure: error: Cannot find ocamlc.
> When I go to the wyrd work directory (below):
> camus:wyrd-1.4.4 bxf4$ port dir wyrd
> /opt/local/var/macports/sources/rsync.macports.org/release/ports/ 
> textproc/wyrd
> and run configure by hand, it works fine.
> I save the config.logs from both the port configure and my running
> configure by hand.  Here's the difference in paths:
> part of config.log following sudo port configure wyrd
> PATH: ${prefix}/bin
> PATH: ${prefix}/sbin
> PATH: /bin
> PATH: /sbin
> PATH: /usr/bin
> PATH: /usr/sbin
> PATH: /usr/X11R6/bin
> PATH: /usr/texbin
> part of config.log following my running sudo ./configure (with the
> proper arguments) in the wyrd macports work directory:
> PATH: /Users/bxf4/bin
> PATH: /opt/local/bin
> PATH: /opt/local/sbin
> PATH: /usr/X11/bin
> PATH: /bin
> PATH: /sbin
> PATH: /usr/bin
> PATH: /usr/sbin
> PATH: /usr/local/bin
> PATH: /usr/texbin
> When I run configure myself, it appears to inherit my user path.  But
> when I try to configure/install it with port, configure isn't getting
> the /opt/local segment.
> I have no idea why this might be.  Any thoughts or suggestions will be
> appreciated.  I'd rather not remove it all and restart my macports
> tree.  I've got a fair number of packages installed.  Thank you for
> your time.

Now I understood! Thanks.

Have you set binpath to something (possibly including "${prefix}/bin"  
and "${prefix}/sbin") in /opt/local/etc/macports/macports.conf on the  
laptop where it doesn't work?

If that's not it, what are the differences between the laptop where  
it doesn't work an the Mac Pro where it does work? Mac OS X version?  
Xcode version? MacPorts version?

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