On Oct 11, 2023, at 06:23, Michal Sidorczyk wrote:
> then I followed this instruction:
> https://guide.macports.org/chunked/installing.macports.uninstalling.html
> to remove macports completely. However, /opt/local still contains data (I 
> assume it is all macports related) and it is 2.7GB big. Can I just remove it 
> manually safely?

The uninstallation instructions fully remove MacPorts and include removing 
/opt/local. If you still have that directory you haven't followed the 

> Moreover, it seems the uninstall procedure is pretty far from cleaning 
> everything. As I said installation of gmic-gimp port alone took 10GB. Not 
> even mentioning the other part of macports. Now, after removal of all the 
> ports, only 3GB of disk space was released. Adding 2.7GB from /opt/local 
> makes it 5-6GB the top. Are there any other macports’ leftovers I should 
> remove manually?

Uninstalling MacPorts doesn't uninstall Xcode or the command line tools. You 
can find instructions from Apple for how to remove those if you wish. Xcode 
takes an extraordinary amount of disk space these days. The command line tools 
are fairly small. 

Xcode sometimes creates CoreSimulator caches which are fairly large. MacPorts 
does not need these caches but we have not been able to suppress their 
creation. See ticket #67592. You can delete these caches. 

If your computer needed to allocate swap space for virtual memory while 
building, it's possible that some of it is still allocated. You can clear any 
allocated swap space by restarting your computer. This also deletes any 
temporary files that might not have been removed by their creators. 

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