Well well; I noticed that my MacBook had been up for 44 days, and so I decided to apply the Universal Microsoft Solution (tm) and now everything is working! Call me an unrealistic perfectionist, but I think that machines should not need to be rebooted unless absolutely necessary e.g. hardware issues or OS upgrades etc. I once wrote a large application that was heavy on malloc()/free(), and it passed every test that I could throw at it.

Heck, I once had my FreeBSD server up for a year, until I had a power failure :-( And I don't switch off my boxes (unless I have to) because switching them on again is when they're most likely to fail in my experience (~50 years); think of stressed power supplies etc (I even lost a SIMM on my server after I had to switch it off for a hardware upgrade).

Apologies for impugning MacPorts, but it sure looked that way since it happened immediately after my weekly software update ("port selfupdate" etc).

-- Dave

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