Re: macports suddenly gone on my system

2020-05-07 Thread Christoph Kukulies
Interestingly I’m now getting this: kuku@Christophs-MBP ~ % sudo port selfupdate Password: Error: Current platform "darwin 19" does not match expected platform "darwin 18" Error: If you upgraded your OS, please follow the migration instructions: OS platfor

Re: macports suddenly gone on my system

2020-05-07 Thread Christoph Kukulies
It’s zsh (is that the default on a macOS Catalina, think so) No .profile .zshrc is there: # >>> conda initialize >>> # !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !! __conda_setup="$('/Users/kuku/anaconda3/bin/conda' 'shell.zsh' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then eval

macports suddenly gone on my system

2020-05-07 Thread Christoph Kukulies
Funny, suddenly I can’t do any longer sudo ports selfupdate kuku@Christophs-MBP ~ % sudo port selfupdate Password: sudo: port: command not found kuku@Christophs-MBP ~ % I can’t remember having uninstalled macports. — Christoph