I didn't clame to be a good vocalest. So, yeah...
- Original Message -
From: "Katie Zodrow"
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 2:23 AM
Subject: Re: A Look at ProTools Part 1 has been uploaded
Hi, Chris. Thanks for posting these podcasts about learning
tened to your song Crayons on the Floor a few weeks ago and
it was very beautiful! The only processing I would edit out is some of the
auto tune on the vocals.
- Original Message -
From: "Chris Gilland"
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 3:50 AM
Subject: A Look at ProT
You wrote:
Will you be posting further parts to the list, or your own site, or
somewhere else?
Or is it a four part thing?
Trust me, it's going to wind up being way way way way! more than 4 parts by
the time it's over. I'd say more probably upwards of 10 or so.
Yes, these will be posted o
Hi Chris:
I for one am really looking forward to checking this out, especially
since I never did manage to find any of Kevin's stuff. I've seen links
that claim to be for it, but they go nowhere. I'm currently mostly using
windows but am seriously considering switching to mac, right now I have
Good morning, or evening everyone, depending on where you're located.
In the past, there has been a lot of discussion both on and off list about
the accessibility and use of ProTools from an accessibility standpoint with
Voiceover. I've been asked to appear on certain podcasts and then due to