OK guys, we have a lot of ground to cover here, so hold on to your hats!

This is where we're going to really start getting into more navigation, and moving around within a session. Also, I'm gonna teach you the concept of markers, and how they are used, and more, why they are so incredible! We're also going to re-enforce the keystrokes that you already have learned. Let me outline them below for ya.

Space bar/num pad 0 is your play/stop.
Numpad 3 is record.
F12 is record, provided you remap your dashboard to another key instead.
Return, careful here! takes you to the beginning of the session.
Option+Return takes you to the end of the session.
I'll be teaching you in this recording what numpad enter does, but for now, just know it does something entirely different than the return key.
Shift+R arms the currently selected track/tracks for recording.
Shift+S solos and unsolos the currently selected track/tracks.
Shift+M mutes and unmutes the currently selected track/tracks.

OK.  Here is the link to part 6.  Let's keep going.


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