Re: Flash programs

2012-04-30 Thread Chris Blouch
Lots of debate on this topic but in general Flash is fading and HTML5 is rising. Many things that could only be done in Flash can now be done with standard HTML. A big part of that push came from Apple excluding flash from iOS devices, so anyone wanting to play in that rich field has to do it w

Re: Flash programs

2012-04-30 Thread Kirsten Edmondson
Chris, so is there no way round general flash then? So many use it! Is HTML5 going to replace flash soon totally? Or is HTML5 just an Apple thing? Kirsten. On 30 Apr 2012, at 18:56, Chris Blouch wrote: > I think you are referring to the thread about YouTube using Flash video > players and how

Re: Flash programs

2012-04-30 Thread Chris Blouch
I think you are referring to the thread about YouTube using Flash video players and how Flash is generally not usable with Voiceover. YouTube also supports using the html5 player for much of its content. You can join that trial by going to and follow the "Join the HTML5 Tria

Flash programs

2012-04-28 Thread Kirsten Edmondson
Hi, I think someone said on here the names of programs to make flash accessible earlier today ...? Flash something and youtube 5 or something? Can someone send me the names and how they work-whether useful? Lost the email ... Thanks. Kirsten. -- You received this message because you are subs