Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Adam C. Engst" <>
> Date: 27 August 2009 20:57:45 BST
> To: <>
> Subject: Indispensable Take Control Ebooks about Snow Leopard Now  
> Available
> Reply-To: Take Control Comments <>
> Good day, everyone!
> Snow Leopard ships tomorrow! But you can start reading about it  
> today with our new "Take Control of Upgrading to Snow Leopard" and  
> "Take Control of Exploring & Customizing Snow Leopard," both  
> available now.
> (Those who own an earlier edition of one of these ebooks receive a  
> discount as thanks for your support: check your email - apologies  
> for any duplicates! - or open your older PDF and click Check for  
> Updates on the cover to access the discount links.)
> Apple says that Snow Leopard will make your Intel-based Mac faster  
> for a mere $29, and our testing generally agrees with that  
> assessment. In keeping with our tradition of offering new ebooks  
> about Apple's operating system releases as soon as the cat is out of  
> the bag, we are pleased to bring you Joe Kissell's "Take Control of  
> Upgrading to Snow Leopard," which walks you through the entire  
> upgrade process, and Matt Neuburg's "Take Control of Exploring &  
> Customizing Snow Leopard," which picks up where the first ebook  
> leaves off, walking you through your first experiences with Snow  
> Leopard and helping you adjust how things look, get around fast, and  
> use special features like a pro.
> You can save 20% on a bundle of both ebooks via this link (combined  
> list price is normally $25, you pay $20):
> <
> >
> Both ebooks are also available individually; here's more info about  
> each ebook.
> **Take Control of Upgrading to Snow Leopard** -- The Snow Leopard  
> installer offers fewer options than previous Mac OS X installers,  
> but it has a few twists and quirks that can cause stress and  
> uncertainty. In this 81-page, $10 ebook, Joe helps readers upgrade  
> calmly and successfully with clear, expert steps developed over  
> innumerable test installations. In particular, he helps you evaluate  
> if your Mac's hardware and software are ready to run Snow Leopard,  
> create a bootable duplicate as insurance against upgrading woes,  
> understand what the installer will do, run the installer, perform  
> post-installation tweaks, and solve problems that might arise.
> You should buy this ebook if one or both of the following describes  
> your situation:
> * You want to ensure a calm, successful update with no data loss or  
> other unpleasant surprises.
> * You could run the Snow Leopard installer on your own, but you want  
> to know the ins and outs of what's new because you are a Mac  
> consultant, because friends and relatives rely on you for tech  
> support, so you can wow everyone at your next MUG meeting, or simply  
> because you like knowing exactly how things work behind the scenes.
> <>
> **Take Control of Exploring & Customizing Snow Leopard** -- This new  
> ebook is based on Matt's "Take Control of Customizing..." ebooks,  
> but we added "Exploring" to its title to give Matt more room for how- 
> to topics. The ebook points out lots of tiny things that are new in  
> Snow Leopard but that you might not notice otherwise. Particular  
> topics covered include: Spotlight, Time Machine, Software Update,  
> Dashboard, the Dock, Finder windows, organizing and finding your  
> files and folders, window management with Exposé and Spaces,  
> keyboard and trackpad shortcuts, Services, zooming the screen, font  
> management, typing special characters, typing in a second language,  
> customizing your menu bar, login items, parental controls, and  
> Internet helpers. The 165-page ebook costs $15.
> You'll learn how to do a zillion things, but here are some of our  
> favorites:
> * Find the elusive checkbox for making the menu bar look solid.
> * Find and save files faster by customizing the left side of your  
> Finder window.
> * Customize the Spotlight menu so your search results are easier to  
> use.
> * Use special color or photo as a Desktop background.
> * Change the size of your mouse pointer.
> * Use your function keys more effectively.
> * Stop extra disk activity when you first boot Snow Leopard.
> * Set up your fonts so they are easier to work with.
> * Keep certain windows in specific Spaces.
> * Identify - and delete - huge files in your Time Machine backup.
> * Make your laptop sleep more quickly.
> < 
> >
> **Snow Leopard Itself** -- For everyday users, perhaps what's most  
> exciting about Snow Leopard is its speed. Tonya ran Snow Leopard on  
> an old MacBook (2 GHz Intel Core Duo) while editing these new Snow  
> Leopard ebooks and found herself enjoying its responsiveness  
> immensely. If you haven't yet picked up a copy of Snow Leopard,  
> we'll earn a few extra pennies if you get it from Amazon using these  
> affiliate links (which are a bit cheaper than Apple's prices anyway):
> * Upgrade from Leopard for $25: 
> < 
> >
> * Family Pack (5 Macs) for $44: 
> < 
> >
> * Mac Box Set (10.6, iLife '09, iWork '09) for $150: 
> < 
> >
> Technically speaking, the $29 Snow Leopard package will upgrade a  
> Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger machine, but if you never bought Leopard, Apple  
> would like you to honor the licensing terms and purchase the Mac Box  
> Set in order to get your Tiger-to-Snow-Leopard update.
> The Take Control series began in 2003 with Joe's "Take Control of  
> Upgrading to Panther" ebook, which we published right as Apple  
> released Mac OS X 10.3 Panther. At that time, we had no idea just  
> how many people would agree with us that ebooks make a lot of sense  
> for sharing how-to information about the Mac. With your support,  
> we've developed the series through Apple's release of Tiger,  
> Leopard, and now Snow Leopard. Looking ahead, we are working hard to  
> keep the ebooks updated and make our Web and mailing list  
> infrastructure move far beyond the simple systems that we started  
> with nearly 6 years ago. We're grateful to have so many enthused  
> readers - we couldn't do it without you!
> cheers... -Adam & Tonya Engst, Take Control publishers
> PS: Check out our other recent releases:
> * Take Control of Safari 4
> * Take Control of Passwords in Mac OS X
> * Take Control of MobileMe (covers iLife '09 and iPhone OS 3.0)
> * Macworld iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition (covers  
> iPhone OS 3.0 and iPhone 3GS)
> PPS: We have Snow Leopard updates for many ebooks in the works for  
> the rest of 2009. Some will need only small changes, whereas others  
> may require more thorough overhauls.
> PPPS: You received this note because you either subscribed to the  
> Take Control Announcements list or selected the "Notify me of new  
> Take Control books via email" checkbox when placing an order. If you  
> wish to unsubscribe, use the link below.
> --
> Click the link below to manage your subscriptions.

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