Mike, your not going to be able to back things up that way on a DVD
using Time Machine. YOu'd be better off backing up the data you
absolutely can't live without to DVD or getting an external drive,
backing up your entire drive, and migrate your data back over.
On Aug 27, 2009, at 1:09 PM,
Could you just exclude your applications folder from the Time Machine
backup? System Preferences -> Time Machine -> Options then navigate to
the Add item to "Do not backup" list button which will pop a file picker
to add folders you don't want backed up.
Mike wrote:
> Hi all:
> As I'm ge
Hi all:
As I'm getting ready for the new Cat, LOL I'd like to backup my music,
photos and documents. I've already created an apps CD.
Can I configure Time Machine to backup my stuff minus the apps, burn
that backupped image, or what ever OS10.5 creates, on to a couple of
DVDs and restore once I d