Tried to contact you off list but, the email bounced. Please drop me an email so I can get this resolved.


On 2/6/14, 3:30 PM, Hai Nguyen Ly wrote:
Good afternoon Helena:
Removing the files and
from ~/Library/Preferences should resolve your Apple Mail issue. As Shawn mentioned, you will need to recreate these accounts which should be a pretty straight forward process.
Good luck.

On Feb 6, 2014, at 7:52 AM, BBS < <>> wrote:

Hi Helena. That is an odd problem for sure, and have never had that happen to me before. The only thing I could suggest is to delete your mail accounts and reconfigure them. I know it'll be a pain in the a** to do that, but that's all I can suggest at this point. Hopefully others will chime in about this. Let us know if that fixes your problem.

Sent From My White MacBook

On Feb 5, 2014, at 4:13 PM, Helena Fehr < <>> wrote:

Hi, all!
For some reason I wanted to check my mail on my MacBook Pro today, and no matter what I do if I press any button to go down the list to start seeing what's in my inbox, a dialog box pops up and says "Problem report for mail: mail has quit unexpectedly; click reopen to launch mail again; this report will be sent to apple automatically," and so on and so forth, and then you can either press ok or reopen default to quit and relaunch mail. I've restarted my Mac and gone through the process over and over but no matter what I do the result is the same. Does anybody know what the heck is going on here? So far as I know it worked until today. I can't remember the last time I tried it before today, but I remember checking my mail with no problems previously, and today is the first day this happened. There's also some garbage about about configuration settings or something in the detail thing, but I know darned well I've never had problems with it before, and now all of a sudden there's nothing I can do with my mail on my Mac. Thank goodness I've got my iPad, or I'd really be screwed. Can someone please help?

God Bless!!!

May The Lord bless you and protect you; May the Lord's face radiate with joy because of you; may He be gracious to you, show you His favour and give you His Peace (Numbers 6:24-26(.
In Jesus Name. Amen.

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:01 PM, <> wrote:

Today's Topic Summary


  * magnification on the mac <x-msg://2/#group_thread_0> [4 Updates]
  * click2flash <x-msg://2/#group_thread_1> [4 Updates]
  * Gmail Issues are Starting To Get Hilarious
    <x-msg://2/#group_thread_2> [1 Update]
  * Google Groups settings Web Interface: How to Change
    Subscription to a Different Email Address
    <x-msg://2/#group_thread_3> [1 Update]
  * fix columns? <x-msg://2/#group_thread_4> [1 Update]
  * how to select non contiguous items <x-msg://2/#group_thread_5>
    [4 Updates]
  * is there a key combo for getting webpage attributes like text
    size and colour and so on with voice over
    <x-msg://2/#group_thread_6> [2 Updates]
  * 2nd Generation AppleTV and PlexConnect
    <x-msg://2/#group_thread_7> [1 Update]
  * Updating iTunes <x-msg://2/#group_thread_8> [2 Updates]
  * old mail showing up continually <x-msg://2/#group_thread_9> [1
  * Any experience with Dragon Dictate?
    <x-msg://2/#group_thread_10> [1 Update]
  * System preferences and creating new user issue
    <x-msg://2/#group_thread_11> [1 Update]
  * switching from gMail to iCloud mail
    <x-msg://2/#group_thread_12> [2 Updates]

magnification on the mac <>

    Anouk Radix <
    <>> Feb 05 07:50PM +0100

    Hi everyone,
    I have been a blind mac user for years now. Some friends of
    mine are still able to use magnification and some people ask me
    for advice because supernova is crashy or jfw and magic are
    crashy on their systems.
    Are there people that can give an account how magnification
    works on the mac and if it is comparable what you can get on a
    windows pc with screenreading software?
    Thanks in advance,
    Greetings, Anouk,

    erik burggraaf <
    <>> Feb 05 02:07PM -0500

    Hi, Zoom doesn't have the huge feature set of zoomtext, but it
    does work very well.

    For best performance you need a newer mac with the best display
    possible, such as a macbook with retina display.

    Make sure accessibility shortcuts are turned on.
    Make sure smooth images is on.
    Make sure mouse tracking is set to move the window when the
    pointer reaches an edge.

    You can also download a third party app to customize the
    cursors and pointers on the mac so that you can have the red X
    or the yellow X or whatever is most visible for you.

    I have a sheet around here to do with best practices for
    magnification which I could send you if that will help.


    Erik Burggraaf
    Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
    or on the web at

    April <
    <>> Feb 05 10:58AM -0800

    Not comparable.

    On the Mac there is no easy way to enlarge the menu or
    scrollbars. Icon
    text can be increased minimally.

    On the Mac, there seem to be two choices:

    1. lower the resolution to magnify everything, or
    2. use an on screen magnifier, and not be able to read menus
    without it.

    Many Mac programs have individual magnifiers for the text,
    though not the

    On Windows, everything, including menus and scrollbars, can be
    magnified in
    the settings. Can't remember the name of the setting. As well
    as many
    programs that have individual magnifiers.

    Even so, I prefer the Mac, since I have to learn VoiceOver.

    On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 1:50:15 PM UTC-5, Anouk wrote:

    erik burggraaf <
    <>> Feb 05 02:10PM -0500

    HI, You need to look again. The options to increase the sizes
    of dock and menus are available in mountain line and up.


    Erik Burggraaf
    Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
    or on the web at

click2flash <>

    Jim Gatteys < <>>
    Feb 04 04:15PM -0600

    My click2flash says 2.9.1 and there doesn't seem to be an
    update. I was confused when I first got the extension beczused
    there was a program called click2flash as well. I guess I'd
    better check for updates.

    Daniela Rubio <
    <>> Feb 05 07:41AM +0100

    Could you be able to send me the link from where you downloaded
    the extension? Thank you very much!

    Daniela Rubio T
    iPhone: +34662328507

    Jim Gatteys < <>>
    Feb 05 11:24AM -0600

    Earle <
    <>> Feb 05 12:37PM -0500

    Do you need to install flash before installing the extension?
    What does this extension do exactly? I have heard of it before
    but didn't really pay much attention to it.

    Thanks for any info you can provide.


Gmail Issues are Starting To Get Hilarious <>

    Brian Fischler <
    <>> Feb 05 12:16PM -0500

    Every day it is something new with Gmail and MacMail, and no, a
    clean install isn't going to fix a thing. At least Apple
    finally admitted there is still a problem. What really annoys
    me is that Apple turns out is like every other company they
    lie. I waited to install Mavericks until Apple claimed they had
    fixed the problem which they claimed they did in December.

    So everything was working fine yesterday, I didn't turn my
    computer off or put it to sleep, and bingo this morning, half
    my emails are missing from gmail, and I think the sluggishness
    and VoiceOver choppiness is caused by gmail constantly
    searching making safari unusable at times, and the same with
    iTunes. Not sure if there is anything I could do, but this
    instability of Mavericks and one day the computer working and
    the next not reminds me of Windows. I hope this isn't the
    future of Apple releasing buggy updates. Very disappointing.

Google Groups settings Web Interface: How to Change Subscription to a Different Email Address <>

    Teresa Cochran <
    <>> Feb 05 07:58AM -0800

    Hi, all,

    I'm trying to change my Google groups subscriptions over to
    iCloud. I go to the groups page and press the "manage
    subscriptions button". Then I find a group and push this button
    again for the specific group. Then it says "use email address
    for this group", where email address is a specific email
    address. There is no indication that the address is clickable
    or that there is a dropdown, but according to Google help,
    there's an area in which you can edit the email address. How do
    you access this with VO?


    Slow down; you'll get there faster.

fix columns? <>

    May McDonald Homuth <
    <>> Feb 05 09:47AM -0500

    Good morning all.

    For some strange reason my lovely mail client has changed the
    layout of the email columns.

    It use to be, status, from, subject

    Now it's, status, subject, from

    Does anyone know how to change this back? I'd undo what I did,
    but um I don't remember changing anything to make it do that.

    Any ideas?

how to select non contiguous items <>

    Scott Berry < <>>
    Feb 05 04:35AM -0700

    How do I select non contiguous items for selection?


    Craig J Dunlop <
    <>> Feb 05 06:21AM -0600

    Sent from my iPhone

    Caitlyn and Maggie <
    <>> Feb 05 08:40AM -0500

    Hi, interact with the list of items you want to select,
    starting on the first item you want to pick.
    Lock your vo keys with vo semi colon.
    Turn off cursor tracking with vo shift f3

    use down arrow and when you get to the items you want to add to
    your list of items to select, hit command return.

    After you are done selecting your items, turn cursor tracing
    back on with voshift f3
    put your vo keys back by doing vo semi colon again.
    then you can do a copy command, whatever function you wanted to
    do with your files.

    ps-this sounds more complex then it actually is.

    Tim Kilburn < <>>
    Feb 05 07:40AM -0700


    It is not necessary to turn off Cursor Tracking when selecting
    non-contiguous items anymore. It was needed, I believe, up
    until Mountain Lion but is not anymore. These instructions will
    work as well:

    . Interact with the list of items.
    . Navigate to the first item you wish to select.
    . Press VO-cmd-return
    , press the key combination a second time to select as the
    first one unselects the item.
    . navigate through the rest of your list with VO up or down
    pressing VO-cmd-return on items you wish selected. Only one
    return is needed for all subsequent selections.
    . If you accidentally select something, simply press
    VO-cmd-return to unselect.
    . Stop Interacting with the list and you'll hear a little VO
    sound effect which is essentially turning Cursor Tracking back
    on automatically.
    . Press cmd-c to Copy or whatever key combination does your
    desired action.



    Tim Kilburn
    Fort McMurray, AB Canada

is there a key combo for getting webpage attributes like text size and colour and so on with voice over <>

    Dean Adams <
    <>> Feb 05 07:05PM +1100

    Hi All,
    I have been asked by a friend who uses jaws on a pc if voice
    over can give you webpage attributes like webpage text size and
    colour background and forground colour insert 5 then insert f .
    C;ould not find anything on voice over for this .

    Regards Dean

    Sent from Dean Adams Macbook Pro <>
    Voip phone: +6124307 9248
    landline Phone: +61243892195
    Mobile: +61428133758
    Skype and Twitter : deanadams9

    John Panarese <
    <>> Feb 05 08:58AM -0500

    Yes. Control-option-t will identify text attributes, including
    color, size and font.

    Take Care

    John D. Panarese
    Mac for the Blind
    Tel, (631) 724-4479
    Email, <>




2nd Generation AppleTV and PlexConnect <>

    Emilio Hernandez <
    <>> Feb 04 09:44PM -0600

    Hello everyone,

    Has anyone used PlexConnect with the Apple TV?
    Because this process occurs with a computer, in my case, on a
    Mac is why this Message is being posted here.
    If anyone has had success please feel free to reply off list.


Updating iTunes <>

    regina alvarado <
    <>> Feb 04 10:16PM -0500

    Can someone tell me where I can find the iTunes update, please?
    I went to updates, but all I found were app store updates.
    Also, once I get to the update, am I going to have the same
    problem as others have complained about. I have no idea what to
    uninstall and how to get things back. I have a month-old Mini
    running OX10. Thanks a bunch. Can I update the apps that are
    listed? Do I have garage band automatically here on my Mini. I
    have not seen that app and I have bought nothing yet.
    Reggie and Allegra

    Tim Kilburn < <>>
    Feb 04 08:26PM -0700


    The iTunes update should be included in the updates that are
    available through the AppStore. If your iTunes is already up to
    date or if the update isn't available in your area yet, then
    you won't see it. You can also do a Google search for iTunes
    update Mac and there should be a downloadable version available
    from Apple. Some folks had issues with the update, others
    didn't, I imagine that the updater has been fixed though as
    this problem is weeks old. Apple recommends that you always
    update software to deal with fixes in performance and such.
    Yes, occasionally, the update breaks things but more often than
    not, there are no issues.


    Tim Kilburn
    Fort McMurray, AB Canada

old mail showing up continually <>

    Regina Alvarado <
    <>> Feb 04 10:07PM -0500

    Continually receiving the same mail over and over again was
    explained to me a couple of days ago
    and it works beautifully.

    It is an Apple default. Vo m and interact. Go to preferences
    and VO space. Go to view and vo space to open it. now tab
    through until you hear "include related messages" and it will
    be checked. VO space to uncheck. You will not have the problem
    after you uncheck this option.

    reggie and Allegra

Any experience with Dragon Dictate? <>

    Alex Hall < <>> Feb 04
    09:03PM -0500

    Hi all,
    I'm looking into Dragon for a friend who is sort of considering
    a Mac. Jaws, Dragon, and J-Say have been causing nothing but
    problems for months, and I suggested a Mac as a more solid
    alternative. This person needs Dragon, though, for things like
    moving around text, so dictation and speakable items won't be

    I just downloaded Dragon Dictate onto my own mac. It opens,
    Voiceover says it has no windows, and I can't access the menus
    to close it - I have to kill it from Force Quit every time I
    open it up. I have enabled it in my Privacy and Security
    settings, so it isn't a restriction on the part of the Mac.

    I plan to call Nuance tomorrow, but in the meantime, does
    anyone know if this program is usable at all? Is it simply
    inaccessible, or is it running in the background, not designed
    to be interacted with in the normal ways? Thanks in advance.

    Have a great day,
    Alex <>

System preferences and creating new user issue <>

    Gary < <>>
    Feb 04 05:04PM -0600

    I had the same issues when I installed Mavericks,. What you
    have to do is turn off VoiceOver right before you click on the
    create user button. You have to make sure your pointer is on
    the button, turn off VO, press space bar or click mouse, and
    turn on VO. That's how apple support walked me through this issue.

switching from gMail to iCloud mail <>

    Teresa Cochran <
    <>> Feb 04 01:19PM -0800

    Thanks much, Tim. It didn't occur to me to try this.

    As for rules, would you have to move messages manually on an
    iDevice if you have rules set up on the computer? I currently
    have 15 filters set up on Gmail, and I get over 1000 messages a


    "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a
    dog, it's too dark to read."--Groucho Marx

    Tim Kilburn < <>>
    Feb 04 02:33PM -0700


    If the rule is set up on the iCloud site, then it will be done
    on everything. If you set them up on your Mac, as long as the
    Mac gets the messages before you check them on the iDevice,
    then they will be moved by the Mac and consequently where you
    want them on the iDevice. I believe that someone else explained
    how to access the filters on the iCloud site, I'm not sure how
    to do that myself yet.


    Tim Kilburn
    Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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