Does Ichat still have that weird limitation as to who you can add to your 
contacts?  Sorry, I know that's vague, I just remember that when I got my Mac 
last summer people were opting for Adium because of some issue pertaining to 
chatting with contacts from certain providers, like I think maybe those with 
Yahoo addresses?
On Jun 18, 2010, at 6:59 AM, Dave Taylor wrote:

> Another really useful response, thank you. All this is information I will be
> using to get the most out of our day for as many people as possible. This
> netbook has a couple of years in it I should think, but I have a feeling it
> has received its last paid for update. My feeling is that by then, there
> will be no second thought about making the switch. I've already been shot
> down for being so excited about the trackpad, but I know it will be an
> important way of doing things. Few people are born blind and I totally
> believe that for somebody losing sight, even if they used Windows when
> sighted, switching to VO would be much easier for them than learning Jaws or
> Cheers
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Laura M
> Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 12:44 AM
> To: MacVisionaries
> Subject: Re: Prospective Mac User
> As to 1, I find messaging on the Mac to be much, much more enjoyable
> than I ever did on Windows. If you want to, you can use it the way you
> describe, so you don't have to switch back and forth between the
> message area and typing field, but even if you use it by tabbing
> between them, your place is generally remembered, at least on iChat.
> It also handles multi-person chats better than anything I ever had
> with Windows. and the best part is, it works without any kind of Jaws
> overlay. The same commands I use to switch between windows, or bring
> up contacts are exactly the same for non-Voiceover users.
> On a general point, I think listening to demos isn't a good way of
> figuring out whether you'll be efficient. They don't sound convincing
> in that regard, I know. That's no fault of the demos, I don't think.
> It's just hard because some of the concepts, like interacting, seem
> much more complicated than they are when you're just hearing about
> them. When you're using them, they're far more intuitive--or at least,
> they were for me.
> Once I started using it, I found that I loved the Voiceover way of
> doing things. I don't know if it's always more efficient (though I
> certainly don't think it's less), but it's more useful than that for
> me. Between group mode and the trackpad, I have a far better sense of
> how websites and screens work. There's a context that was never
> present with JAWS. I know, for example, how the mail program is laid
> out, or that certain webpages have easily accessible sidebars that I
> can instantly reach. That absolutely does make me more efficient,
> because instead of tabbing or arrowing everywhere, I can just touch
> where I want to be. Far, far fewer keystrokes. And because I know
> where things are, if I'm explaining something to a friend or family
> member, I can help them visually identify it far more easily than I
> could've with JAWS. It really has shortened the distance between how I
> use a computer and how my sighted friends do, and that's awesome.
> That's also why I like that VO doesn't make assumptions about what I
> want it to do, or decide that I'll inevitably want certain extra
> commands. There are some essential things that really do have to be
> there for basic functionality, and a lot of really cool stuff that
> just makes life easier, but I'm not relying on the kind of special
> JAWS scripts to get things done. Again, it increase parity between me
> and everyone else using Macs. I didn't know it at the time, but now I
> really do feel that JAWS was a layer between me and the operating
> system, which in many cases made it very difficult if scripts broke,
> or programs were updated, or I was simply trying to explain to a non-
> JAWS user how I did something. Now I tell them what steps I take, and
> in most cases, they can replicate them.
> On Jun 17, 10:35 am, "Dave Taylor" <> wrote:
>> Here are some specific questions on areas where it appears Jaws is ahead.
>> 1. In messenger programs, is it possible to have a set of keystrokes that
>> will read messages and stay within the history area while being able to
> type
>> in the edit area at the same time and review that typing? I would want to
>> have a feature set like the alt plus numbers and arrows in Jaws otherwise
> it
>> would be too slow. This is one of the main reasons I haven't switched to
>> NVDA rather than Jaws.
>> 2. In Skype, I can get to my contacts or conversations list with single
>> keystrokes using ctrl 1 and ctrl 2, and focus most other areas with
> similar
>> keystrokes. In addition to the feature I just asked for in messenger, how
>> easy is this in Mac?
>> 3. This one is not a Mac problem, but is really important to me. I use
>> several programs that make tasks so easy in Windows that don't work on the
>> Mac. How much does it cost to buy Windows stand alone these days to run
>> those on a Mac? I'm thinking of SpeakOn which makes internet radio,
> podcasts
>> and all sorts of other audio things much easier and gives you fantastic
>> control over speed etc, Kurzweil 1000 which though expensive automates so
>> much of my mail reading by simply scanning and automatically reading
> things
>> while I'm doing things, and programs that don't even exist for Mac like
> the
>> VIP communicator for the Accessible Friends Network and VIP Conduit.
>> It is also possible with Jaws for people to write scripts to do things and
>> share them. Is this possible for VO?
> -- 
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