Re: Non-Latin alphabets and voice over

2010-07-09 Thread Esther
Hello Aman, Anne has answered your question about available Braille tables for non- Latin alphabets. I think that the tables Archie has made are the only ones available -- there aren't any others that Apple has done. As far as using VoiceOver with non-Latin alphabets on the Mac, the only

Re: Non-Latin alphabets and voice over

2010-07-07 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Aman, I can't answer your questions about voices, but you can get non-Latin Braille by downloading multilingual Braille from the CeciMac site. My husband, Archie, has made Braille tables for Arabic, Greek, Hebrew and Russian. You can download the package from:

Non-Latin alphabets and voice over

2010-07-07 Thread Aman Singer
Hi, all. Has there been any experience with non-Latin character sets and voice over? I am particularly interested in Arabic, Hebrew, and Chinese. How is Voice Over with handling these alphabets and texts in these languages, if anyone knows? I have come across an Arabic voice, but for the ot