Re: Use of "Move To" in Email

2016-07-16 Thread Jonathan Cohn
Another option is to create a keyboard shortcut for a specific folder even if it is not in your favourites. I have not tried this personally, but the following should work. 1. Open systemPreferences keyboard 2. Open shortcuts tab and select application 3. Add a new item for the Mail applicatio

Re: Use of "Move To" in Email

2016-07-13 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi chuck, Thanks for this hint. I think that I heard about this a long while back, but it must have went in one ear and out the other. Good efficiency if the desired location is in your Favourites. Later... Tim Kilburn Fort McMurray, AB Canada On Jul 13, 2016, at 10:17, CHUCK REICHEL wrot

Re: Use of "Move To" in Email

2016-07-13 Thread Joseph Hudson
Hi Chuck, in water for something like this to work she would have to have that mailbox in her favorites which in this case I took it that she was wanting to move Messages from one account to another Joseph Hudson Email I device support Telephone 254

Re: Use of "Move To" in Email

2016-07-13 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi Tim, If the mail box is in your "favorites" I use "control command 1-9" on the num pad to move the selected message to my different boxes. control command then hit the number on the num pad to move it. The rub with this method is you half to know which # your desired mail box corresponds to.

Re: Use of "Move To" in Email

2016-07-13 Thread Joseph Hudson
Hi Tim, I'm sorry about that. I meant command option shift m. Joseph Hudson Email I device support Telephone 2543007667 Skype joseph.hudson89 facebook Twitter ht

Re: Use of "Move To" in Email

2016-07-13 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Joseph, NO problem adding to any message of mine. A question though, not sure where the VO-shift-a.m. comes from. I'm not sure what the "a" is used for in your suggestion. The Contextual menu command is VO-shift-m, followed by letters or arrows suggested in your message. Please correct m

Re: Use of "Move To" in Email

2016-07-13 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi, The "Move To" item should have a sub-menu. That is, whether you use your keyboard shortcut or the contextual menu, when you're focused on the "Move To" item, press your right arrow to open the sub-menu then either use down arrows or type the first few characters of the Mailbox name. Once

Re: Use of "Move To" in Email

2016-07-13 Thread Joseph Hudson
Hi, I would like to add to your message if you wouldn't mind. Control option shift a.m. Opens up the menu where this moved to submenu is. Once you find the submenu, you will be able to Arrow right, to activate that menu. Then Erin down to the desired mailbox that you wish to move to didn't when

Use of "Move To" in Email

2016-07-13 Thread Sandra E. Finley
I am trying to move a message from one mailbox to another. I can find "Move To" in the menu and have created a keyboard shortcut for it. Once that is found, how do I actually move the message? I guess the better question is how do I get to the desired mailbox and have the message follow me there