This is what I have just sent to Apple, and I would be interested if anyone 
else has experienced this or has any knowledge of why Safari and VO do this:

Hi there,

I have been doing some comparisons of using screen readers  on a major 
supermarket in the UK.  Tesco are huge in the UK and Europe and have a 
wonderful website which enables customers to order products and have them 
delivered.  I used to think Safari and VO acted strangely at times when using 
this site as there seemed to be more links or headings within the web page when 
tabbing around or navigating via the keyboards shortcuts (VO + command + H for 
example) than the rota would announce.  I would then double check that the rota 
was giving the correct information by asking VO to tell me the summary of the 
web page statistics.

When using JAWS and System Access I noticed that those screen readers informed 
me that there was twice as many headers and links on the web page than VO would 
lead you to believe.  I then opened up the HTML source code and double checked 
for myself and indeed this was correct.

I then started to notice this on other websites.

Why does VO not report to the rota of every header and link? Yet, if you tab or 
go through the web page by header and link etc you come across all links and 

Are you aware of this bug?  I think this is a major serious flaw on Apple's 
part as it provides misleading information and could potentially be hiding 
content the viewer may think is important.  I also wonder if the find feature 
within VO also misses this information too.

I hope Apple investigate and fix this serious flaw.


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