Hi all,
As some of you are aware, I own and maintain chicksdigmacs.net. If you are not 
familiar with the site, I encourage you to give it a look. I have included some 
useful apps for mac users as well as resources for jailbreakers. I am looking 
to add more to the site in the future, but I wanted to take the time to 
encourage any female who has something worth adding to my site to come forward. 
It doesn't necessarily have to fall within the structure I've set up. Just as 
long as its mac or iOS related and can benefit others looking to expand their 
mac knowledge. One of my goals is to have a blog up there someday with several 
female authors contributing ideas and thoughts. I know maccessibility already 
has their own thing going on, and I'm not intending to interfere with that. My 
goal is simply to expand my site and have more of a female presence than just 
myself. So ladies, if you'd like to join me in my quest, shoot me an email 
off-list. And to any men reading this, if you know any women who would like to 
assist me in my goals and endeavors, feel free to send them my way.

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