In Preview, you can use VO-shift-home and -end to get to the top and bottom of
documents. you can also use it to go to the top and bottom of message lists in
Interacting with text in Preview helps a lot. I use VO-arrows quite a bit, and
I use VO-find when searching for specific text.
Thank you all! This definitely seems to work for pages and rtf documents. Do
y’all know if there is a way to do it when working with preview? I find preview
mostly useable but I definitely haven’t been able to navigate the document very
well. Any thoughts?
On Nov 14, 2013, at 10:32 PM, Alex Hall
There are two options. Command-up arrow will move you to the top of a text
area, such as an email or file you are writing, and is not a Voiceover command.
Function-vo-shift-left, if memory serves, is the "top of window" Voiceover
command and works anywhere. That latter one may move you out of a
Hey brooke!
fn+control+left arrow should do it!
On 11/14/2013 11:57 PM, Brooke Jostad wrote:
Hi all,
I'm having trouble moving to the dop of documents and text. I can go
by page and by paragraph using the macbook Air, but is there a
keystroke I'm not finding that allows me to get to the to
Try command plus up arrow.
John S
On Nov 14, 2013, at 11:57 PM, Brooke Jostad wrote:
Hi all,
I'm having trouble moving to the dop of documents and text. I can go by page
and by paragraph using the macbook Air, but is there a keystroke I'm not
finding that allows me to get to the top of the e
Hi all,
I'm having trouble moving to the dop of documents and text. I can go by
page and by paragraph using the macbook Air, but is there a keystroke I'm
not finding that allows me to get to the top of the entire document?
Much thanks,
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