Last week I wrote in with a problem with my keychain.

On my MBA, somehow my keychains got out of synch.  I got suggestions from this 
list on how to fix this, and I thought it was fixed, but yesterday it started 
happening again.  I got security alerts asking me to enter the keychain 
password for both local items and for log ins.

Sooo, I googled the problem and got directed to an apple help page on fixing it.

What I had to do is to go into the system library, find the keychains folder, 
and then delete a file with a very long file name that is particular to each 
mac.  In my case, this was the only file with this long string of letters, so 
it was easy to find.  After that, you immediately have to restart the mac.

After this, to fix the log in keychain, open the keychain access app in the 
utils folder of your applications folder.  here, go into preferences and under 
general, pick the option for resetting your log in keychain.  After that, yuou 
can pick your password and then hit ok.  This will create a whole new keychain. 
 Leave the app.

Now you can enter all your keychain info when prompted and everything should be 
hunky dory.

I hope this wasn't too confusing and that I didn't leave out steps.


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