You can also open window chooser with VO-F2 twice quickly and then select the
notification from there or select notification centre.
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You can go to system preferences, keyboard, shortcuts tab, and set up a
shortcut to open the Notification Center. Mine, for instance, is ctrl-n, since
the Mac does not use control in any default commands (except some textual
ones). You could also open up the window chooser by pressing vo-f1 twic
Hi Rhonda,
You could press VO-m twice then navigate right to the Notification Centre,
press VO-space to activate it and you'll see the list of notifications in a
Table within the Notification Centre window.
Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada
On 2013-07-18, at 8:13 AM, Rhonda Hornba
Hi Mac Friends,
Occasionally , when in my mail application, I hear a dialogue stating that I
have some new notifications.
How do I get to those notifications to view them?
Thank you for all of your assistance,
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