Indeed there are, and it's worth a google if you're bored one day. Apps like
Tinker Tool can do a lot of them for you, but some are terminal-only. For
instance, I recently enabled Airdrop on a 2007 Mac running Lion through
Terminal and it works great.
On Jul 20, 2013, at 7:10 PM, Steve Holmes w
Sure. In terminal, you can type this, exactly as it's written and iCloud won't
be the default location.
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSDocumentSaveNewDocumentsToCloud -bool false
And press enter. Then, exit terminal and when you re-launch text edit, you'll
have your local drive as primary locati
Thanks for that answer. I had not seen any options in the regular preferences
for TextEdit. I guess there's a lot of more powerful options out there that can
be set through terminal.
On Jul 20, 2013, at 4:07 PM, Daniel C wrote:
> Sure. In terminal, you can type this, exactly as it's written an
I don't recall just where, but you can change that in Text Edit's preferences -
you'll want the "local machine" option instead of iCloud, and then it will work
as expected. Many people want this change, so Google has plenty of articles on
the topic.
On Jul 20, 2013, at 6:19 PM, Steve Holmes wro
I have one other question related to saving files in Text Edit. In my case, the
default location is always iCloud and I have to change it to one of my local
folders each time I save a new file. Is there a way to make it not default to
On Jul 12, 2013, at 1:05 AM, Nicholas Parsons
When you press command-s it will display the save/save as dialogue, unless the
file has already been saved. If the file has already been saved you have a few
YOu can navigate to the left up near the toolbar to the file actions pop up
button. In this button are options such as rename fil
Hi Jean,
When you press CMD-s, you will get a save dialogue box. When you
navigate through that dialogue box through VO-right arrow, you will
come across a save as option. You will be able to select the format in
which you wish to save the file like TXT, RTF, etc by using that
On 12/07/20
Ok hopefully this has a simple answer. When I am in text edit and I want to
save a file I do command S. The problem is that sometimes it saves and
sometimes I get the save as dialogue. How do I get the save as dialogue
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