Hi all.
  For those of us in the UK at least, there is a free alternative to spotify 
called WE7.  Like Spotify, it is a free legal way to stream music over the 
interweb.  However, it is browser based, resulting in better accessibility.
It's not perfect though.  When you've found what you want to play, to actually 
get the song to play you'll have to simulate a mouse button click with VO shift 
space on the play button.  This is usually the first cell of the table of 
songs.  It'll either say "play" or "empty cell" depending on something or other.
I've only started using it proper a few minutes ago, although I've heard of it 
for a while.  It seems a lot better than spotify in many ways. You're not 
presented with an overwhelming list of every song an artist has done for a 
start and it apparently has a lot more options for discovering new music.  
however, it plays an annoying promotional stinger  between songs unlike spotify 
which plays ads every 40 minutes or so.
the Address is www.we7.com.
It's well worth checking out.
I will say though that since it's a browser based thing, there isn't  keyboard 
shortcuts to turn down the volume independently.  There maybe is a volume 
control in the player frame but I haven't found it yet.
I hope this is of any use to some of you and good luck.  It has it's quorks but 
stick with it.  <aybe they will be willing to make it more accessible?

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