
wang baisheng wrote:
>       I have found it is the dbus that caues the problem. The 
> hildon-navigator 
> can't find /tmp/session-dbus-socket. Now I run /usr/bib/dbus-daemon-1 
> --session &, then the hildon-navigator find the /tmp/seesion-dbus-socket. But 
> it then can't find /usr/var/run/dbus/system-dbus-socket. I 
> run /usr/dbus-daemon-1 --system &. The system-dbus-socket doesn't appear. How 
> to deal with dbus-daemon about system-dbus-socket ? 

this should happen automatically when you run af-sb-init.sh. I don't remember if
it was maybe necessary to source that script in the 1.0 release.
It would be a good idea to install the latest release of the maemo SDK anyway.
If that problem still resists with the latest release we need to find out what
is going wrong.



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