Does anyone know of a way to detect flightmode (i.e. phone switching into and out of flight mode) or a way to detect a switch of cell network (e.g. change between 2G and 3G or change to another operator via roaming)

Analysis of the cellular operator name widget reveals that libconnui has functions for this (connui_flightmode_close, connui_flightmode_status, connui_cell_net_status_close and connui_cell_net_status_register) but I have no idea how to call them as libconnui is unfortunatly undocumented :( (which is a pitty as there are a LOT of interesting looking APIs in there)

Note I am not interested in simply being able to obtain the current status of these things, I am interested in being notified of changes in the state in the way that the cellular operator name widget is.

Presumably libconnui is wiring up to something lower down (dbus or whatever) in order to obtain these notifications so we need to figure out what its tapping into to get the info.

This is in support of Cell Broadcast SMS so I dont keep displaying stale information (no point in displaying the name of a cell tower you last saw half-an-hour-ago when you phone switched to 3G and isn't receiving operator name SMSs anymore. Although the other option might be to add a timeout and say "ok, if we dont receive another operator name SMS in the next x number of minutes, we declare the information "stale" and stop displaying it"
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