A Quick Look at Extras in Bugzilla (https://bugs.maemo.org/). 2011-09-12 through 2011-09-18
As of 2011-09-19 Extras contains: * total items: 2723 (+20 this week) * total open items: 998 (+8 this week) * open bugs: 571 (+5 this week) * critical/blocker: 43 (-1 this week) * "easyfix": 6 * "moreinfo": 5 * "crash": 2 * "patch": 4 * reopened: 6 (-1 this week) * unconfirmed: 342 (+1 this week) * open enhancements: 427 (+3 this week) * "easyfix": 3 (-2 this week) * "moreinfo": 1 * "patch": 6 * reopened: 1 (-1 this week) * unconfirmed: 184 (+2 this week) ==--- New Items ---== 14 bugs were opened - ( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=12408,12409,12413,12414,12416,12417,12418,12419,12420,12422,12424,12426,12427,12428 ): * [12408] [Miniature] Miniature can't play rated games started by the local user * [12409] [Miniature] Miniature doesn't handle rating values properly after the first move * [12413] [Miniature] The chat log doesn't show the last line when the local user posts * [12414] [Miniature] OnlineBoard: Implement dialog for abort requests * [12416] [Miniature] Moved done in Miniature are not correctly submittet to server * [12417] [PasswordSafe] pwsafe on N900 does not read v2 items with large notes * [12418] [Miniature] Show task switch button in the upper left corner * [12419] [Miniature] About Miniature dialog: "i" button is hiding a part of a link * [12420] [Miniature] Miniature crashes on closing the application from recents view * [12422] [Miniature] Show application close button in the upper right corner * [12424] [Miniature] [Discussion] OnlineBoard: Implement a better game's end dialog * [12426] [Miniature] Miniature doesn't handle draw requests * [12427] [Miniature] Miniature doesn't handle adjourn requests * [12428] [Maemo 5 Community SSU] Corrupted video after camera app switches to background (while recording) Of these, 1 was a critical/blocker - ( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=12426 ): * [12426] [Miniature] Miniature doesn't handle draw requests 6 enhancements were opened - ( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=12410,12411,12412,12421,12423,12429 ): * [12410] [Miniature] OnlineBoard: Implement item "abort" in back menu * [12411] [Miniature] OnlineBoard: Implement game end dialog for abort during move 1 * [12412] [Maemo 5 Community SSU] microb odd rotation behaviour * [12421] [Miniature] Vibration or sound notification if opponent moves * [12423] [Miniature] Extend chat feature * [12429] [Maemo 5 Community SSU] Stop using Nokia's AGPS host ==--- Resolved Bugs ---== 8 bugs were resolved "fixed" - ( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=5673,7829,12342,12344,12370,12382,12397,12409 ): * [5673] [eCoach] Implement translation infrastructure * [7829] [Miniature] Checkmate not announced * [12342] [Miniature] Miniature can't play chess * [12344] [Miniature] Miniature chat in FICS doesn't work * [12370] [Miniature] Remove test related UI elements before release * [12382] [Miniature] Miniature doesn't handle end games * [12397] [Miniature] SeekGame: Show ratings of non-guest players * [12409] [Miniature] Miniature doesn't handle rating values properly after the first move 2 bugs were resolved "invalid" - ( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=12398,12399 ): * [12398] [Miniature] SeekGame: No games listed if logged in as real user * [12399] [Maemo 5 Community SSU] GPS takes longer than usual time to acquire information from satellites 0 bugs were resolved "wontfix". 0 bugs were resolved "duplicate". 0 bugs were resolved "worksforme". 0 bugs were resolved "moved". ==--- Resolved Enhancements ---== 2 enhancements were resolved "fixed" - ( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=12347,12395 ): * [12347] [Miniature] When chat overlay extends, text entry should gain focus * [12395] [Miniature] MainPage: Avoid upper case for the first letter in username input field 0 enhancements were resolved "invalid". 0 enhancements were resolved "wontfix". 0 enhancements were resolved "duplicate". 0 enhancements were resolved "worksforme". 0 enhancements were resolved "moved". ==--- Confirmed Items ---== 0 bugs were confirmed. 0 enhancements were confirmed. ==--- Reopened Items ---== 0 bugs were reopened. 0 enhancements were reopened. ==--- Unloved Items ---== 10 bugs were needing love - ( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=9750,7615,7562,7583,11415,9670,11544,11571,12000,12145 ): * [9750] [FriendStatus] FriendStatus fails to load contact history * [7615] [Hermes] Documentation should state that "roster" contacts will not be updated * [7562] [Zoutube] Zoutube can't reproduce videos properly while minimized in the background * [7583] [Zoutube] After playing a video Zoutube can't return to landscape mode properly * [11415] [Evopedia] Invalid <references> tag in some articles * [9670] [FM Radio] Audio mutes after getting out of power save more * [11544] [FM Radio] Echo on Radio after phonecall. * [11571] [MediaBox] "Media Renderers" doesn't work anymore * [12000] [FM Radio] FM radio stops playing after double clicking on the power button * [12145] [Maemo 5 Community SSU] Problem with HomeScreen Selector Widget 0.1-3 10 enhancements were needing love - ( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=5037,6926,11079,11814,12006,9648,12172,12255,11917,12118 ): * [5037] [EasyChem] Invisible icon in "Applications" when having a black background * [6926] [OmWeather] Add visual moon phase to the applet * [11079] [Catorise] "Invisible" Category for Catorise. Program Icons assigned to this category would be hidden. Would help minimize clutter. * [11814] [Erminig] Sync Birthdays * [12006] [Erminig] Events where we are a 'guest' are not synced. * [9648] [Extended Call Log] Add portrait mode * [12172] [Maemo 5 Community SSU] Nokia Messaging/MFE breaks when root moved to EMMC * [12255] [Maemo 5 Community SSU] Unable to update to cssu using Ham or Fam * [11917] [eCoach] Interrupted activity log * [12118] [BlueMaemo] Virtual keyboard: Tab-Key is missing ==--- Keyworded Items ---== ( glossary: https://bugs.maemo.org/describekeywords.cgi ) 0 bugs were tagged "crash". 1 bug was tagged "easyfix" - ( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=12419 ): * [12419] [Miniature] About Miniature dialog: "i" button is hiding a part of a link 0 bugs were tagged "moreinfo". 0 bugs were tagged "patch". 0 bugs were tagged "performance". 0 bugs were tagged "security". 0 enhancements were tagged "easyfix". 0 enhancements were tagged "moreinfo". 0 enhancements were tagged "patch". 0 enhancements were tagged "performance". ==--- Top Tens ---== Ten biggest open bugs by number of votes - ( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=7334,11961,7351,6511,11031,11842,6847,8508,7505,7938 ): 1. (6%) [7334] [FM Radio] audio disappear using other device functions(connecting-disconnecting wi-fi,hspa) 2. (6%) [11961] [Maemo 5 Community SSU] Random email application (modest) crashes with CSSU 3. (5%) [7351] [Recorder] Recorder app closes automatically after few mins 4. (4%) [6511] [Canola] Unable to type text in Canola on N900 5. (4%) [11031] [PyMaemo] python-all depending on specific python version breaks updating python modules 6. (2%) [11842] [Maemo 5 Community SSU] RDesktop halt on connection screen 7. (2%) [6847] [gPodder] gPodder does not attempt to connect to internet if no ambient connection 8. (2%) [8508] [The One Ring] Integration with System Contacts isn't working 9. (2%) [7505] [Mauku] Claims to be free, but ships no license and says 'You are NOT allowed to modify or redistribute the source code.' (+1 this week) 10. (2%) [7938] [BlueMaemo] Connection dies immediately on Mac OS X 10.4.11 (new this week) --- Please visit https://bugs.maemo.org/ to vote. Registration is easy and free. Ten biggest open enhancements by number of votes - ( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=8224,5453,7738,5823,5045,5452,6383,11976,5018,7374 ): 1. (6%) [8224] [Hermes] Support for getting orkut contact details with Hermes 2. (5%) [5453] [Hermes] Add google as a source for contact information (feature request) 3. (5%) [7738] [FM Radio] Scan and auto-preset feature 4. (5%) [5823] [Personal GPRS Monitor] programmable auto-reset 5. (4%) [5045] [Conboy] Add undo and redo 6. (4%) [5452] [Hermes] Don't overwrite pre-existing contact info 7. (3%) [6383] [PasswordSafe] Add support for V3 Format (+1 this week) 8. (3%) [11976] [Maemo 5 Community SSU] viewing sms conversations in portrait mode without horizontal scrolling (patch) (-1 this week) 9. (2%) [5018] [StockThis] Create a Desktop widget to display portfolio 10. (2%) [7374] [FM Radio] Record FM radio to file --- Please visit https://bugs.maemo.org/ to vote. Registration is easy and free. Ten hottest open bugs - ( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=7505,10227,10238,12381,4726,12345,7351,4089,12426,12405 ): 1. [7505] [Mauku] Claims to be free, but ships no license and says 'You are NOT allowed to modify or redistribute the source code.' 2. [10227] [Batlevel] Batlevel uses extremely high amount of power as normally installed. 3. [10238] [stopwatch] Uses, and causes services to use lots of CPU, even when display blanked. 4. [12381] [Maemo 5 Community SSU] camera corrupts USER DATA (deletes existing pictures by overwriting them) (+1 this week) 5. [4726] [Mer] Mer Flash Installer, incompatible boot error (-1 this week) 6. [12345] [Miniature] Miniature's i18n is missing (new this week) 7. [7351] [Recorder] Recorder app closes automatically after few mins 8. [4089] [Canola] SystemProperties plugin error crash after upgrade to beta11 9. [12426] [Miniature] Miniature doesn't handle draw requests (new this week) 10. [12405] [qt-components] [CORE] Toolbar layout only covers minimal set of configurations (new this week) Ten hottest open enhancements - ( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=11892,12410,11890,11901,11895,12359,11900,11897,9495,11899 ): 1. [11892] [nQa Audiobook Player] Improved Meego Integration (new this week) 2. [12410] [Miniature] OnlineBoard: Implement item "abort" in back menu (new this week) 3. [11890] [Quicknote] Improved Meego Integration (new this week) 4. [11901] [Gonvert] Package for Meego (new this week) 5. [11895] [Multilist] Package for Meego (-3 this week) 6. [12359] [Miniature] Miniature FICS user must fill id & password every time (new this week) 7. [11900] [Dialcentral] Package for Meego (+3 this week) 8. [11897] [Waters of Shiloah] Package for Meego (-3 this week) 9. [9495] [MediaBox] Interface to web based services like Ovi Share, Picasa, Flickr etc. (-5 this week) 10. [11899] [ejpi] Package for Meego (-4 this week) Ten oldest open bugs (unchanged for 74 weeks) - ( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=3472,3886,3974,4005,4036,4050,4083,4084,4087,4089 ): 1. (1156 days) [3472] [Advanced Backlight] LCARS and Hildon iconsets aren't complete 2. (1031 days) [3886] [Canola] Interface buttons disappeared: video, podcasts, internet media 3. (993 days) [3974] [Browser Extras] webaddons category applications have inconsistent name convention 4. (977 days) [4005] [Canola] AudioBroadcast UPnP items not showing when browsing 5. (969 days) [4036] [Canola] Canola cannot properly merge multiple tracks into one album 6. (965 days) [4050] [mNotes] random comments about make/mnotes_framework 7. (953 days) [4083] [Canola] cannot access to video and internet files after upgrade to 2.0.b11 8. (952 days) [4084] [Canola] Intermittent hangs on audio play 9. (951 days) [4087] [Canola] There is no GUI way to discover podcast URLs after creation 10. (951 days) [4089] [Canola] SystemProperties plugin error crash after upgrade to beta11 Ten oldest open enhancements (unchanged for 81 weeks) - ( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=4037,4058,4090,4101,4117,4255,4335,4551,4650,4662 ): 1. (969 days) [4037] [Canola] Ability to switch between "Play Random Track" and "Album" mode 2. (962 days) [4058] [Canola] Vertical lists are not scrolled properly 3. (951 days) [4090] [Canola] Own radio stations and playlists are not supportet by canola last.fm plugin 4. (950 days) [4101] [Mer] zenity list should allow clicking in any column for radio and check lists 5. (947 days) [4117] [Canola] Tracks in playlists should be sortable by album and track 6. (894 days) [4255] [Canola] libre.fm support (instead of last.fm/audioscrobbler) 7. (884 days) [4335] [Mer] Armel slowness 8. (858 days) [4551] [Mer] Powerlaunch is unable to handle keyboard backlight. 9. (831 days) [4650] [Mer] Request for nbd kernel module 10. (829 days) [4662] [BlueMaemo] Ability to connect to Windows Mobile/Symbian devices This summary is also posted to talk.maemo.org: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=1091535#post1091535 and the maemo.org Bug Jar blog: http://www.octofish.net/bugjar/ _______________________________________________ maemo-developers mailing list maemo-developers@maemo.org https://lists.maemo.org/mailman/listinfo/maemo-developers