RE: Google services - Latitude, mbarcode and Goggles.

2010-01-09 Thread Aldon Hynes
To: Andrea Grandi Cc: Aldon Hynes; maemo-users Subject: Re: Google services - Latitude, mbarcode and Goggles. On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 16:34, Andrea Grandi wrote: > > I'm getting dependencies problems with Qt. > I've also tried to uninstall the old 0.2 googlelatitude and rei

Re: Google services - Latitude, mbarcode and Goggles.

2010-01-09 Thread Andrew Flegg
On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 16:34, Andrea Grandi wrote: > > I'm getting dependencies problems with Qt. > I've also tried to uninstall the old 0.2 googlelatitude and reinstall > it, but no success. > > Maybe it's a problem related to PR 1.1 I'm using? Does it have a libqt4-phonon dependency? Even if no

Re: Google services - Latitude, mbarcode and Goggles.

2010-01-09 Thread Andrea Grandi
Hi, 2010/1/9 Aldon Hynes : > According to apt-cache depends googlelatitude > > it does have a libqt4-phonon dependency and it looks like it is related to > the bug you highlighted. yeah, I've just subscribed to the bug and confirmed it. Regards, -- Andrea Grandi email: a.grandi [AT] gmail [DOT

Re: Google services - Latitude, mbarcode and Goggles.

2010-01-09 Thread Andrea Grandi
Hi, 2010/1/9 Aldon Hynes : > Hmm... I'm running Google Latitude on my N900. > > googlelatitude 0.3-9  - Works quite nicely. lucky you, I cannot install it :( I'm getting dependencies problems with Qt. I've also tried to uninstall the old 0.2 googlelatitude and reinstall it, but no success. Mayb

RE: Google services - Latitude, mbarcode and Goggles.

2010-01-09 Thread Aldon Hynes
Hmm... I'm running Google Latitude on my N900. googlelatitude 0.3-9 - Works quite nicely. Also, mbarcode is every nice as well mbarcode 0.0.8-0 - Only problem I'm having with that is that SMS barcodes aren't handled well yet, but the developer and I have been having a great discussion about ad