
One of my main gripes is the From: mangling that we had to use to allow AOL and 
Yahoo subscribers to send messages without messing everyone else up. I have now 
been informed that Mailman 3 does not solve this problem, but I’d like to move 
to Mailman 3 anyway. So what to do?

How about this:

1. Replace the From: address with a no-reply address on the list server. Don’t 
add the sender’s address in quotes.
2. Keep the ‘Reply-To:’ address as the sender’s address (that’s what I have it 
set to now - I don’t want people to reply to the lists).
3. Put HTML mailto: links for ‘Reply to Sender’ and Reply to List’ at the 
bottom of the message.

My other solution:

Require subscribers from AOL/Yahoo and whichever other service with the same 
misguided policy to get another email address for the lists.

Is there anyone on this who will be willing to help installing Mailman 3 for me 
on a Linux system. I have tried and I have had two experts try as well, but we 
have all run into difficulty. I’ll pay, of course.


        Allan Hansen

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