David Andrews writes:

 >. Search worked, and users liked it, but I had another 
 > problem with cPanel, don't even remember what. The cPanel folks said 
 > they would not give me technical support as long as I used HTDIG,

Condolences.  It's not clear to me that that is any of their business
(unless you need tech support for htdig itself, in which case I can't
really get upset with them, YMMV), though.

 > so now I have no search, a problem with a system with over 300 lists.

I don't know what your situation is (eg, private lists), but for your
public or private-but-not-sensitive lists, mail-archive.com[1] might
be an option.  Somewhat inconvenient to have to switch back and forth
for full archives (they strip images and most other attachments)
vs. search capability, but better than nothing.

Unfortunately, it's a hobby site, so I doubt they provide any service
at all for private lists.  At least their FAQ is of extremely high
quality, I think you can probably trust them to be quite up to the
task for you, if you have lists with minimal requirements for privacy,
and don't need attachments stored and archived there.


[1]  mailarchive.com seems to live in Poland, and otherwise I couldn't
read their page. :^)

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