Good Afternoon,

Question: Can Mailman add the "Keywords: " header, or similar, to leave an audit-trail so clients can sort their mail based on topics that were matched?

Verbose situation follows...

A list has been created that has multiple topics (in this case operating-systems), each topic containing a half-dozen keywords (apple, microsoft, linux, solaris, etc.). This list is called [EMAIL PROTECTED] Our sys-admins subscribe to various topics; delivery works great.

To make it easy for our users to contact each team, we have setup the following in /etc/postfix/aliases:
apple: | "/usr/local/sbin/ Apple admins"
microsoft: | "/usr/local/sbin/ Microsoft admins"
linux: | "/usr/local/sbin/ Linux admins"
network: | "/usr/local/sbin/ Network admins"

The subject-prefix script contains a simple sed substitution, which adds a "Keywords: " header, and passes of to the Mailman list:

/bin/sed "s/Subject:/Keywords:\ $1$NEWLINE\Subject:/" | /usr/sbin/sendmail $2

Note: If they were multiple Mailman lists, (which they were at one point), and I was subscribed to Apple/Linux/Network, I would end up getting 3 separate emails if someone CCd an issue to all 3. With topics, we get one nice email.

Can Mailman add the "Keywords: " header, or similar, to leave an audit-trail so clients can sort their mail based on topics that were matched? If not, how is a user able to identify (or debug) what a particular piece of mail pertains to.

I do not want duplication or redundancy between Mailman-topic-definitions and client-filter-rules.


Thanks for reading,


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