Dear Mailman users,

I installed Mailman from sources on a FreeBSD 4.6.2 machine. I installed
the latest version of Python (2.2.1), apache 1.3.26 (with mod_perl,
mod_ssl, php4.2.2) all from sources. I followed all the instructions for
the Mailman installation.

I created 2 lists. One test list and a production list. Both seemed to
work quite well. When a user registered, he got an email for confirmation.
When he posted a message he got an answer saying that it needed to be
approved, when a post on the test list was approved, it was sent to every
one ...

There are about 10 000 emails in the production list. When I do a post to
this list, it seems that it is not delivered to every email address. But
that's not the most important thing. The next day, when I do a post a
message to either list, I don't get any answer and the message is not
added to the pending requests for approval.When I subscribe a new email
address through the "general list info" page, I don't get any confirmation
mail. However, if I add that address manually using the Membership
Management page, I do get a welcome message.

I two words, after a big mailling, users cannot to any postings nor add
their email address to the list and the post hasn't been sent to all
emails, it becomes unusable. I already reinstalled it about 4 or 5 times
and I got the same problems each time.

Thank you for your help

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