>>I'd like to use non-ASCII characters in list description.
>>To keep it simple, let's assume I want the list description to be
>>single character "รก" (Unicode: \u00e1, UTF-8: C3 A1).
>>I can enter such a description in list identity page
uot;http://example.com/MYADDRESS";, which is clearly wrong. Instead of
example.com there should be MYHOST, and perhaps something more before
Best regards,
Igor Maly
Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman-Users@python.org
MYHOST:8000/mailman3/lists/) shows "?" too in
Description column.
Is there any configuration option to enable non-ASCII characters here, or am
I stuck?
Best regards,
Igor Maly
Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman-Users@python.org