
In the past I have tried to run a maillist using MajorDomo, but couldn't get
it to prevent external people from mailing to lists by telnetting to port 25
of the mail server claiming to be anybody that is inside the list.
Currently I am running a naked alias file for my mailling lists, as the
difference became extremely small, while the major domo software was quiet

To be honest with you, I am not sure how to go about preventing what I
explained above from happening, as it does not make complete sence to start
blocking IP addresses from connecting to my smtp port.

Did the developers from mailman figure anything out to prevent the explained
above from happening? (Non members telnetting to port 25 claiming to be a
member, and sending e-mails that way)

Thanks in advance,

Marco van Tol

Marco van Tol [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] [http://www.tols.org]
[Sir Stafford Cripps] has all the virtues I dislike and none of the
vices I admire.
                -- Winston Churchill

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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