I am sure [most Mark -:)] know that I AM a huge fan & supporter
of MM even tho I am stuck with the cPanel version.
I have been reading all the mails on this subject with a bunch of
questions swirling around my teeny brain -:) !!
<< Let me give further explanation of why I need this. The site I
<< wave a fresh chicken bone over the server >>
You WILL have FAR better 'luck' with a fresh [sic]
turkey bone !!
I thought "everybody" knew THAT !!! Tsk, tsk !!!
PS: !!
Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman-Users@python.or
Glen, as my Lists are behind a cPanel install of MM
normally I have nothing to add G<> !!
However in this case, maybe I can. I have a dozen or
so small Lists [all under 100 folks] that are basically
private. As I set-up the 4th or 5th I HAD learned of
just your sort of problem. Therefore,
Original Message
Subject:[Mailman-Users] Please help
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 16:46:14 -0800 (PST)
From: Abdelmajid Kassem
To: mailman-users@python.org
Hello Dear friend:
We are a nonprofit organization and our website is www.hc-mambd.org. We are
hosting thi
Mark, Stephen & Bill;
I have a serious feeling that Bill's situation is 'close' to a cPanel
version of MM.
I poked around sonic.net and do NOT see anywhere either cPanel NOR MM
even mentioned !?!?
In all my 'provider' searching over