I've looked at the Whole Mailman FAQ and looked at archived message threads
back 5-6 months and have not see a discussion or resolution on the problem
I'm seeing with URL line breaks in my list archived messages.
Basically if I set Non-digest options/"Scrub attachments of regular delivery
message?" to No my archived messages, scrubber adds the non-test attachment
was scrubbed URL, URL's are ok full line and clickable. Messages from the
list have the attachment and life is good. The first example below.
If I set Non-digest options/"Scrub attachments of regular delivery message?"
to Yes my archived messages URL's have an extra = in the URL string at the
end of line one and a line break making the URL 2 lines and non-clickable.
The second example.
Please, if somebody has seen this problem, has a resolution, or if the FAQ
has the answer, let me know.
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Name: Official notice Spam Filtering Implementation Update      09030.pdf
Type: application/octet-stream
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Desc: not available
Url :

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Name: Official notice Spam Filtering Implementation Update 09030.pdf Type:
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Desc: not available 
Url : <http://www.mn.us/pipermail/listname/attachments/20050901/2d8=>



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